Sunday, March 20, 2011

What Does It Mean When Puppy Poop Is Slimmy

Bathory Countess Dracula-The-

This Sunday, there came to nothing as I planned, again it puts life things upside down and could not go to CENAC with the rest of the temple. Still hope to make my donation soon to help victims of the tragedy in that country.

But I thought to take advantage of this time at home, I thought to share with you on a curious film by Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia and the United Kingdom on the legendary Countess Elizabeth Bathory , known as the Countess Dracula, to be blamed for the death and torture of more than 600 young women in their castles, as well as allegations that he practiced vampirism and cannibalism, bathing in the blood of their victims and alimentadose of them to stay young.

However, in the heart of this myth we find a very powerful and wealthy woman in the midst of turbulent times, where his country was at war against the Turks and divided between the interests of several noble families. His fall and subsequent trial are shrouded in mystery and nobody knows how true are the crimes that were related to his name.

Directed by Juraj Jakubisko
Produced by Deana Horváthová, Mike Downey, Thom Mount,
Zoran Piggott Kevan Van Thompson Y
Written by John Paul Chapple and Juraj Jakubisko


Anna Friel as Erzsébet Báthory
Karel Roden as Juraj Thurzo
Hans Matheson as Merisi Caravaggio
Vincent Regan as Ferenc Nadasdy
Franco Nero as he Mathias Rey II
Deana Horvathova as Darvulia

Music by Simon Boswell
Cinematography by Ján Duris
Editing by Chris Blunden
Distributed by VISION FILMS, INC.
Countries Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary and the United Kingdom
English Language
Budget 10 million Euros (U.S. $ 15 million)


The film tells the mythical story of Countess Erzsébet Bathory told by the monk Peter, who was sent by the church as a spy to gather information on the series of strange deaths of young people in the land and the court of the countess. Thus

Peter is familiar with the story of a modern woman who is a victim renaissanee of ambition and the lies of the powerful Paladin Thurzo, who want both the Countess and their lands and wealth. It also reveals the mystery that surrounds it and that seems to be the source of its unique beauty and eternal youth.


I saw this movie a few nights ago when he returned from work and I found very interesting, although certainly not perfect and has several shortcomings. Reading a little about the Countess Bathory, I see that the film took great liberties with history, so we have to see this movie as a HISTORICAL FICTION and not a true biopic on the life of the infamous Countess Bathory. In fact the director and screenwriter, Juraj Jakubisko says that this film is a reinvention of the myth of Elizabeth Bathory.

first thing that attracts attention is the mixture of styles that Jakubisko used in the script, turning what usually would be a horror story gothic / medieval in a kind of fairy tale to the Brothers Grimm , while not ignores the violence of the story surrounds a series of fantastic and supernatural events, making the Countess Bathory in a tragic figure as many of the princesses of those stories, with which one can sympathize.

Once again, the movie takes a lot of real history of Hungary and the war against the Turks, the political struggles between the various nobles, the division between Catholics and Protestants and seasoned with a little humor and romance.

Possibly from the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking the character more accessible and sympathetic to the viewer Jakubisko insert characters in the story, as the famous Italian artist Caravaggio Merisi , who according to the film The Countess is having an affair and a couple of monks the Leonardo DaVinci , they invent their own spy devices, includes snow skates and a parachute.

Lo Merisi, although escandizo to historians, is a passable trick to show a woman's romantic side virtually abandoned by her husband, who was busy fighting against the Turks. The truth is enjoyed, even if you feel a little forced at first. But the monks if it can be shocking, and completely ruining the credibility of the film.

Apart from these freedoms in the script, we have the problem of rhythm, as the movie tends to be excessively long and there are disjointed parts. Sometimes moving very fast and then stops at a bow without a lot of sense. To many people, especially those expecting a movie about blood, death and torture, it can be disappointing.

But in spite of these weaknesses must be recognized that there are good performances, like Anna Friel as Elizabeth Bathory that fills the screen with beauty and manages an interesting duality between a cruel woman and a loving mother. In fact it is thanks to her that the film does the job of making the character sympathetic and accessible to the viewer.

The photography, music and costumes are excellent and very well rescue historical newspapers and gives an air of epic history. Likewise we have an excellent art direction, with scenes very beautiful and well constructed. And

Ultimately, what more I can take from this movie, although not perfect, is the fact that raises interest in knowing more about this enigmatic woman, who is not really know if it was the greatest serial killer of all time or just a poor victim of a powerful conspiracy to steal their lands and influence.

If you ask me I think, I think maybe Elizabeth Bathory was not a saint, as the movie sometimes pretend, but I do not swallow the story that is bathed in blood and ate human flesh, but rather think it was a typical courtesan of her time, desperate to maintain their power and influence to his servants disiplinando quite violent ways, not by mere sadism, but out of fear. End fell victim to the intrigues of his own relatives and friends.

If you want to know more about this character I invite you to read the article that went up a long time Harley here, or can consult the wikipedia here. Also I leave you with a short documentary on Discovery Channel about it.


Jay "Stained in blood"


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