Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sensitive Teeth For Women During Their Period

The smile of the child should be a more in HC -

's smile child must be a more in HC
The smile is a sign of health in children during their development to the point that the doctor must observe and ask if the patient smiles and includes information on clinical history (HC) as Lozano and Jose Maria Agustin Rollán, pediatricians Cantabrian Service. Santiago

Rego. Santander - Wednesday March 23, 2011 - Updated at 00:00 pm

Lozano and Jose Maria Agustin Rollán, pediatricians Cantabria Health System. (Roberto Ruiz)

A smile is a sign and even a sign of health in children. In general, a healthy child who smiles at his parents and, besides, also a pediatrician "is not very sick or healthy in a high percentage of cases", as explained Rollán Augustine, pediatrician Cantabria Health Service (SCS) who participated in the XXIX Course in Primary Care Pediatrics, University of Cantabria, with the conference ramblings about the smile.

The specialist, who has seized numerous references by authors such as Darwin, Laetoli, Ekman, Spin and Morris, Gesell, Piaget, and Wort, among others, has made it clear with an ultrasound of a baby of 30 weeks it smiles and inside the mother without anyone ever taught. "Studies show that the reaction of the child to smile at certain stimuli is automatic, not learned through a relationship with the surrounding environment, but is innate."

Rollán has likewise the example of a premature infant in a photograph that shows "that there is no smile. Clearly there is the gesture of suffering baby that, like the smile, not learned, but, as Darwin described, are innate and universal expressions which are neither bought, nor cultural, nor inherited. "

on children with autism has stressed that the pediatrician is necessary to "look more value than the smile, as the patient with this condition do not laugh, sometimes even in response to the smile of the mother. We face a complex patient who requires special stimuli in the clinical and social. "

Three recurring questions that must be done in consultation with the child: What about your appetite? What about sleep? And How about a smile?

For Maria Jose Lozano, a pediatrician at the Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla, associate professor at the University of Cantabria and course director, it is always important for the adult to respond with kind words and caresses to the smile of the child. "It creates a good relationship between parents and children, and smiling he discovers that gets results. There is no doubt that the smile is a factor to be included in the medical record," he said.

What to watch?

Lozano noted that pediatricians handled observational data with scales of a child with acute, in which, besides the quality of tears, the variation of her condition, color and hydration also include the so-called "response to social interaction, where one of the items used by the pediatrician is to ask your parents and see if the little he smiles and if your smile is short or no smiles and its expression is anxious, dull or inexpressive, "he detailed.

According to the specialist, while observing the pediatrician must be guided both by the clinic as the child's development. "Clinical data are essential in any process, but sometimes we should not forget things like" smile as she examined the child and interact with it? "He smiles when the doctor comes to visit him in hospital room? ".

In the second week of life, the newborn's smile expressed the welfare state for the satisfaction of their basic needs

In fact, he explained Rollán, there are three recurring questions: How about your appetite? What sleep? and How about the smile? ". The two specialists have agreed that the child uses the tears and smile to survive, and that about the second week of life, the newborn's smile expressed the welfare state for the satisfaction of their basic needs. And it's the fifth or sixth week, when he starts to smile at a series of external stimuli, such as Mom's voice, sound, or the face of someone who approached him, but whenever the front and not in profile. First laughs

After three months, appear the first laugh out loud, by the fifth month of life, the child begins to differentiate between a familiar face and a strange face, and the eighth month denied smile people do not know. However, as pointed out roll, "the first manifestation of active behavior, directed and intentional child is when he recognizes his mother's smile in around 45 days old, according to numerous studies."

The smile of the child must be a more in HC -


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