Wednesday, March 23, 2011

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Karelia Project Breast Tied
Pekka Puska
" One of the keys to the North Karelia Project was liaise with media "
The Finnish province North Karelia in the 70's was named one of the projects most important public health, a multidisciplinary community intervention able to reduce cardiovascular mortality in the area. For the first time, his players had discussed the weight that communication messages and media relations for the success of the initiative.

Alain Ochoa - Wednesday, March 23, 2011 - Updated at 18:09 pm

Pekka Puska, Vice President, International Association of National Public Health Institutes - IANPHI. (International Association of National Public Health Institutes - IANPHI)

The famous North Karelia project is a major public health community interventions ever made. Started in the 70's, the project succeeded in reducing cardiovascular mortality alarming North Karelia (Finland) to get the habits of the population. In fact, the mortality rate of cardiovascular events fell by 73 percent between 1969 and 1995. Consequently, general health and welfare of the inhabitants increased.

The first issue of the new 'Journal of Communication and Health "features an article that discusses this great action from a different angle: is the first text in which the protagonists of public health strategy that the value from the point of view of how communication worked. 'Communication strategies in improving cardiovascular risk factors and cardiovascular diseases in the North Karelia Project' is signed by Noel C. Barengo (Foundation for the Prevention and Control of Chronic Diseases in Latin America), Jaakko O. Tuomilehto (University of Helsinki, Finland), Pekka Puska Aulikki Nissinen and (both the National Institute of Health and Welfare in Finland).

The project included several activities to promote health, medical services involvement and activity communication which led to the publication of 1,509 local news media between 1972 and 1977 (three times more than in the control area, the nearby province of Kuopio) and the issuance of a hit TV show in 1978. However, Barengo emphasizes that it is not possible to measure separately the impact of the media in achieving health goals, "because its effect can not be separated from that of other multiple activities in parallel."

Thus, the strategy also used a lot of doctor-patient interpersonal communication and persuasion of 800 opinion leaders as a way to accelerate the dissemination of positive messages. Also, Nissinen stressed that it was the science team who passed these leaders what the message was adequate for the health of the population, without specific trainers intervene communication area.

Media and people
The authors explain in the article why the use of opinion leaders to the community: "First of all, new ideas come from the media, and are then transmitted by opinion leaders after some modifications. So most people are influenced by contacts with the leaders who promote or block the innovation-diffusion process. "

"One of the approaches used in the theoretical framework was the use of emotions in persuasion, which is based on finding an emotional association rather than rational arguments, the article states. There was a conscious effort by the project for people to project objectives associated with the identity and pride of the province. " Tuomilehto

recalls that there were other communication specialists involved in that facet of the project: namely, helped design how to convince the population. "They had an important role in translating scientific research results in messages that the public could understand." Thus, for example, changes in food are discussed attacking the false myth that the traditional local diet was rich in fat, and recovering the memory of healthier dishes. Puska

stresses that a key to the project was to maintain close contact with the media, especially radio and newspapers. Each new event related to the project dealt with the press. "
"One of the keys to the North Karelia project was to maintain close contact with the media" -


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