Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Black People Yellow Eye

A New Mythology? (PART II) vs Kirika

Well folks, I return to continue the second part of this short analysis of Evangelion. Today we are going with what we had left and let us enter a little more in the mindset of Hideaki Anno to see what he meant to us as their forked mentality.

First of all a fact: Western mistakenly call them "Angels", the Japanese actually 使徒 call (Shito). The word Angel in Japanese is written with the kanji 天使 (Tenshi ) and believe me, never been used in Evangelion to identify the messengers of God. So that means "Shit"? Shito means "Apostle."

I think in this part of the world call them Angels because of the opening sequence get a flash that says "Angels", plus the same opening is called 残酷 天使 (Zankoku no Tenshi) meaning "Cruel Angel." Why this clarification is the fact that as you know there are 13 Apostles equal to the number of apostles who accompanied Jesus.

representation of Jesus and his 12 apostles. Apology in comparison to the apostles in Evangelion

:: Lilith::

Lilith's origins can be traced to the Mesopotamia. By the second millennium BC, is found in a tablet Sumerian as part of the Gilgamesh cycle as Lillake .

In Babylon, we find Lilitu or Ardat Lili, "a virgin desolate, frigid, sterile, wandering at night attacking men as blood succubus or bebiéndoles" , with wings, claws, surrounded by owls and jackals.

In the Bible, Lilith found only in Isaiah 34, 14 , though many translations remove the name and instead appears "owl" . In the Talmud also find some references, but where is best delineated the character is in rabbinic midrash and medieval Kabbalistic comments. They note that Lilith was Adam's first couple.

Created with him, refused to submit so submissive, so, pronouncing the ineffable name of God, fled to live on the shores of Red Sea . Refusing to return to Adam after three angels were to look, just agreed with them, spare the lives of infants who had amulets with the names of the three angels.

Then God made Eve, there was the famous "fall" and expulsion from Eden. Some variants of the story suggest that blaming the expulsion Eve, Adam was to spend some time with Lilith and that together they had children who would then be demons. Finally, after the reconciliation of Adam with Eve, Lilith became the Queen of Demons.

In psychology, Carl Gustav Jung also referred to Lilith, associating it with the negative aspects of the archetype of the Anima.

In Evangelion Lilith is depicted as a giant, crucified in the depths under the NERV headquarters , pierced by the lance Longinu s, and with his face covered by a mask (in the potty the powerful version SEELE NERV organization behind Lilith wears a symbol of this mask but in the new version instead for a different mask (which suggests a major change) plus the ratio of Lilith with SEELE is unknown), knowing the real reasons angels who seek to reach Adam. It is said that originally, the conditions of captivity of Lilith, were linked to the Plan Complementation project would cause an evolutionary leap for mankind.

: Lilims:

The Lilims none other than the children of Lilith, traditionally demons.

In Evangelion this term is used by Kaworu Nagisa to refer to humans. Now as 3 Ova of the New Series has not been released and this is revealed to function Kawuro do not know what will happen between him and Lilith, but by what means the Lilims are all humans and basically represents the human's inability to reach perfection, in a few words Lilims beings are imperfect.

:: Luna Negra::

Named one of the bulbs, vacuum, of the ellipse that describes the Moon around the Earth. The other focus is the Earth itself. Some also call this way apogee (when the moon is farthest from Earth ), although others attribute the name Lilith. Both the Black Moon and Lilith have important meanings for astrology. From Renaissance to the end of a period.

For its part, Evangelion, "Black Moon" is a term used by SEELE to describe the egg of Lilith, the source of life. When the Human Complementation Plan begins, we know that huge underground cavity beneath Neo Tokyo-3, after becoming the Geo-Front, is in fact the "Luna Negra". Turning to the recent very Eggs mentioned above about the Black Moon, but remember that this was part of writing a new ending, which is why some say that is not taken into account. But we can not put aside that even if we have well over a scene very important to make mention of this moon.
But Hideki Anno level this moon is the fundamental element of the complementation of man, tragically it is the end of the race but at the same time is the union of all the minds.

: Dead Sea Scrolls:

is a controversial set of documents found in 1947 in a cave located on the northwestern shore of the Dead Sea , near a place known as Khirbet Qumran . Until 1956 it continued to find manuscripts in nearby caves until to account for more than 800 in three languages: Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. Believed to be written between the end of the third century BC and the year 68 of the Christian era, and belonged to the Essenes, a Jewish sect given to the study and asceticism , although there is agreement that made them the only authors.

Meanwhile, the Red Cross Book says it is the document that SEELE based their actions. From what is written on it, were built EVA and fought against the angels. It even seems that the invasion of each of these angels was mentioned in the scrolls.

These rolls not only within the anime they are controversial, but some think we all say we have not asked these rolls, applied to the study of many of these same prophecies speak of, besides talk about the coming 300 years of the Messiah or Jesus, but among the most interesting is a messiah spoken 100 years before it was equally important and equally that Jesus was executed by similar situations.

is more many of the writings are intimante related to particular elements of the story, plus many of his writings are in the Old Testament. As soon as it came to light content of these scrolls and the formulation of the theory about the close relationship between these documents and the earliest biblical books of the Old Testament (prophecies of Isaiah, Leviticus and Psalms) , those dissenting voices resurfaced as issues might be possible to find in these writings any indication, or perhaps go further, a precedent of Jesus and early church we know.

Something about Angels, End of the World?

Returning to the subject is portrayed something in these writings about events at least they have something to do thus gives us Hideaki Eva.

Experts agree that the scrolls were hidden in caves between 68 and 70 d. C. by the inhabitants of Qumran . Some of the scrolls and other ancient documents found previously, as the Damascus manuscript describe a series of rules for communal living and some beliefs different from mainstream Judaism of the time.

The "Manual of Discipline" emphasizes the rules of community life, while another manuscript, " The War Between the Sons of Light and Darkness " provides an apocalyptic interpretation of events leading up to the end of the world. Has not yet said its last word on Qumran. The recent spread of the Dead Sea Scrolls to the wider world of scholars will offer many new interpretations. And there are other manuscripts to be discovered.

Some of them may still be in the hands of the Bedouins or any individual. But it is likely that more manuscripts hidden in caves buried in the cliffs surrounding Qumran.

to further detail these interesting Rolls we should not only read but also sit down to analyze sumbolicamente and historically, Hideki Anno has said that in his period of depression that preceded Evangelion was reading these writings, as well as reading both the Old and New Testaments. While fantasy is part of achieving Anno Anime incorporate many elements to it.

For now the second, soon the last article in this analysis.

Visual deserved rest .. ..



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