Wednesday, March 23, 2011

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grain cereals may help control blood pressure
A study found that men who ate seven or more servings per week reduced their risk of hypertension by about twenty percent

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Translated to English: Tuesday, March 22, 2011

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Dietary carbohydrates nutrition high blood pressure

TUESDAY, 22 March (HealthDay News / HolaDoctor) - Eating cereal for breakfast, especially cereal grains, may reduce the risk of developing hypertension, a new study suggests.

"We found a decrease of about twenty percent increased risk of developing hypertension in those who consumed breakfast cereal grain at least seven times a week," said lead researcher Dr. Jinesh Kochar, of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston and the Health Care System of the VA in Boston.

"Along with other healthy lifestyles, such as low salt intake and physical activity to obtain grain from this source so affordable you can reduce the risk of developing chronic hypertension," he added.

It was scheduled to present the findings of the study, which did not receive private sector funding, on Tuesday at a conference of the American Heart Association in Atlanta.

For the study, the team collected data on 13.368 Kochar male physicians who participated in the Health study of doctors I, a historic trial that began in 1982.

None of the men suffered from high blood pressure at baseline, but during the more than 16 years of follow-up, 7.267 men developed hypertension, the researchers found.

hypertension, which puts people at risk of heart disease and stroke, is a leading cause of death in the United States.

The men were divided into four groups according to their cereal consumption.

When the researchers adjusted for age only, found that men who ate cereal at least once a week reduced your risk of hypertension by eight percent compared to men who ate no cereal. Eating cereal from two to six times a week reduced the risk by 16 percent, and eat seven or more times per week reduced the risk by 25 percent.

Kochar When the group adjusted their findings to take into account smoking history, weight, alcohol intake, consumption of fruits and vegetables, physical activity and history of diabetes in addition to age, the difference was be significant, though more modest, with twelve percent for those who ate two to six servings per week and 19 percent for men who ate seven or more servings.

Association with lower blood pressure was stronger for whole grain cereals for refined grains, the researchers found. Kochar

speculated that the effect is due in part to the high fiber content of whole grain cereal. Whole grains are also good sources of micronutrients, increase insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation, she said.

Commenting on the study, Dr. David L. Katz, director of the Center for Prevention Research at the Faculty of Medicine, Yale University, said "long ago there is evidence that intake of whole grains can lower blood pressure quite markedly, and is associated with lower blood pressure over time. "

noted that a variety of mechanisms could produce this beneficial effect." They contain vitamins and minerals like potassium, which could directly relax blood vessels, "said Katz. Another contributing factor is the soluble fiber, "which helps reduce blood sugar levels, lipids and insulin, which in turn lowers blood pressure," he added.

Katz said there are other obvious explanation, but that often happens overlooked. "Eating more whole grains means eating less of something else."

"When one considers the many food options sodium-rich quick breakfast, may be getting much of what a bowl of breakfast cereal eliminates what it adds, which helps reduce blood pressure and improve health, "said Katz.
More could mean fewer rolls and donuts, for example.

Experts said the research presented at meetings has not undergone the same kind of rigorous scrutiny given to those published in peer-reviewed medical journals.

Article by HealthDay
HispaniCare SOURCES: Jinesh Kochar, MD, MPH, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and VA Boston Healthcare System, Boston, David L. Katz, MD, MPH, director, Prevention Research Center, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Conn., March 22, 2011, presentation, American Heart Association, Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism Conference 2011 and the 51st Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Annual Prevention Conference, Atlanta

(c) Copyright 2011, HealthDay
grain cereals may help control blood pressure: MedlinePlus


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