Monday, December 27, 2010

Reheating Fried Chicken

Jose Pablo Feinmann words

Dear (much) Jose Pablo Feinman:
You wrote in Book I of the "Critique of Reason Imperial "this passage: " ... One of the great achievements of the communications revolution has been used to the horror of the story. We can be doing anything, be anywhere, and we'll see on TV or on the cover of a newspaper some atrocious image. Or children who die of hunger or Saddam Hussein about to be hanged or tortured in Abu Ghraib Guantánamoo. We will continue with ours. At best, it is thought, then looks better and more calmly on the Internet. But the Internet is the death of emotion. It is the realm of homelessness. No one stops at nothing. Is an infinite navigation toward a goal unattainable and unknowable in the midst of a virtual universe within which means nothing nothing. This sleight of meaning, this flattening of all that exists ("everything is on the Internet"), the impossibility of constructing truths in a world that stifles all the information, to get from one place to another, with the vertigo senseless links, is the essence of homo internet, and that no one be fooled by the solidarity networks that incontinence or solitary subjectivities are blogs. All this is short. Humans are born to communicate with each other's presence (or, indeed, this communication is richer than the virtual), eye contact and touch and even smell his breath. "
Sometimes you is authorized to disagree with whom he admires, will perhaps a good sign, because, after all, from his place, can recognize that the Other, that in capital letters, it has its flaws, its holes, its human inconsistencies, at least from the perspective of those who may feel challenged by his words. And finally, for that matter, whether you, a teacher in their role to remove the nest of thought, like mine, a reader trying to be disobedient. Because at the very moment when I become a reader obediently went to the devil (the discourse of power, we need to) their efforts and mine.
One time I had the pleasure of listening to, and briefly interact with you, under Nation of Coffee Culture in the old Cosmos cinema, where we, among many things, from media companies. I was there with my eldest son, two generations sharing with you and many others, that magical moment of a meeting of people stripping their thinking, daring to go a step further stimulated by what was being created collectively, both Inside this room, like on the outside of the country that is forging (Scalabrini and Jauretche tribute to, advisers in this forging).
I have, therefore, an invaluable reminder of the meeting, as meetings Open Letter to the ground to attend, many of them an invitation to thought. But I beg to differ, or perhaps even that, but to open a parenthesis on that communication is not made face to face, such as blogs, the Internet domain assholes.
My humble Franciscan blog, read by very few people probably born, like many others, between 2008 and 2009, children of the attempt destituyente of agri-business, media and political representatives. We were born to support a government that had been proposed to recover such thing infamously swiped from the blood of the missing, the state's role, the idea of \u200b\u200bsolidarity as a social pillar, the culture of laburo. With our few virtues and defects excessive, we, within a predominantly adverse class (those with access to computers) the possibility to think that there is a version of reality differs from that of the concentrated media, when there was much more eco than Página/12 6 7 8 and some radio programs. I disagree with the concepts of death in the realm of emotion and homelessness. Each of us read many others, writes with many nuances , enormously rich in its diversity. The excitement and ideas moving, are threaded, merge and split up to meet again. Generate, mobilize, encourage the feeling and thinking. I'm not saying this in no way replace the "face", but it is only a solitary habit indulgent . Many of those writing on their blogs are real activists, people who leave their job duties and are to follow in their games (I should clarify that it is not my case) They also are jerks who have a blog? I do not deserve so forceful a statement. And for not doing so tedious, a reference to the issue of information: although it is not absent from the blogs, the question occurs to me is more about the collective construction of a look, a fact that information itself. And if something should be stressed here is two words: collective construction, construction of meaning to architecture from the exchange, and will form part of the baggage with which daily to discuss who the country and the country we dream.
Finally, a teacher, I greatly appreciate his provocative words, because they are at the root of many others who write, trying, despite our limitations, to be subjects where we expected manipulated as objects.
With the greatest respectfully, greeted him warmly.


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