Saturday, January 1, 2011

Lots Of Ewcm And Some Creamy Cm

Roads, a slaughter of animals

The other night I was reading on the couch when I heard it was a coup followed by a short shriek. I went immediately to the right, on the road that passes in front of my house, I saw a car stopped on the roadside seemed to be owned by examining the front of the vehicle. I then looked to the left while inside me begged: "No, please!" And she sensed what was going to see and the idea terrified me. My fatal premonition came true: there, lying on the asphalt, was the tiny body of a cat. I ran to him with security that would recognize. And so it was stationary creature whose mouth was gushing blood Vulpia, a beautiful cat to feed every day and only a few hours before, as usual, had been playing with one of their young lives with me. It was very strange to stay away from home and usually remained at the door or raise the window sill, but tonight he wanted to venture a little more and cursed the hour in which he did. I can not keep his image, a moment before looking through the glass, how to know which was the last time he would live! This week was scheduled to take her to be sterilized. It is no longer necessary. Will not meow asking for food or to get between my legs, do not chase your puppy anymore. She's dead.

Vulpia do not know if he crossed to the driver but he could do nothing to avoid it, but what I am sure of is that it occurred close to the animal if it were alive to carry to an emergency veterinarian. His only concern was whether his car had been dented bumper. And I know something else: that this road, which limit is 50 kph, vehicles, especially at night, mostly to spend more than twice as fast. Few brake in crosswalks even if they see a pedestrian crossing with intent. I'm tired of having long-dead animals and sensing that sooner or later someone will behold that of the step they took from A Xunta after months of sending repeated letters about the situation, was installed in front of my house a band reducing with a fixed speed so ridiculous, that the cars pass over it without hardly noticing it packed. They did it just to leave them in peace, because that is what I have to know - yes, very good words - to express my disagreement with a performance with a lot of Paripe and virtually no effectiveness.

Near where I live is a fast track where a every other day hit animals also die. There will undoubtedly be subjected to other species unknown to me, but I have recorded at least the following: dogs, cats, foxes, wild boars, horses, hedgehogs and owls. Several months ago, while going down that road, I saw a cocker wandering disoriented through the center of it, passing cars dodged it both ways but none of them stopped to pick it up. Today, fortunately for him and then to pass so close to death, is in a foster home where we care for and love you. So complicated is "losing" a few minutes and take the dog to a place that has no chance to emerge unscathed by itself?

Not long ago, and another road in the area in the distance I saw something black in the middle of my lane. In front of me was a car that did not stop to get there, not even pulled away, ran over but failed to touch with any wheel. That driver had to realize, as I did, that this "package" was a black cat that had just run over and he was still alive. What kind of person is able to move with his vehicle on a wounded animal? And how to take it by without stopping to help him and follow his path as if nothing had happened? Be very despicable to show such vile behavior. The picture of a greyhound that appears in this text metal lying on a stretcher, is that of a dog that was abandoned after being hit in that state for a long time, was seen by hundreds of people passed by without being moved until the Finally, one stopped, picked it up, I tried day care and the animal is recovered and adopted. Most do not have that "luck" and die alone after hours of suffering.

I am convinced that most people try to dodge a child suddenly crossing the road, and that some - not as many as before - extreme caution when they see her on the shoulder, for no one escapes the unpredictability of their movements. But there is a good group of people whose reaction at the wheel depends exclusively on the size of the animal, and what a quick and easy calculation to perform, the brake or turn is a measure made on the basis that they can run him over or cause damage in the car. For this reason, all you have time to stop it before a horse, but a few do not stop or divert the case of a cat and few very few do so when an unhappy hedgehog slowly crossing the road.

I know that sometimes accidents are inevitable, otherwise there would be no crossing pedestrians killed by a reckless manner. And I know that the abuses of animals at times cost him his life to the driver. However, behind these events impossible to avoid laying is involved in them, is often negligent attitude of the Administration, since such type of fatal incidents often take place in high-speed tracks where, precisely to avoid such tragedies, should be animal crossing and closures for the margins to prevent the emergence of animals, beings who do not may be required to be aware of the danger and they know the highway code, but men whose job is responsible for effective management such infrastructure.

How many roads compliant as far as habitat protection concerns?, Especially taking into account that the work almost always means a change in a natural environment category ecosystem. It is common not enable passageways for animals adapted to the species in the area, or if they are built Poorly designed or impractical. It is also very normal to find that the road side panels have openings or breaks can fit even for larger specimens. This lack of foresight, expertise and maintenance has resulted in the deaths of millions of animals and dozens of human beings each year.

The shocking picture of bodies rotting by the roadside could be minimized and much fighting traffic external factors, such as abandonment, breeding pets for sale or sterilization, and other inherent therein, such is a proper fence on the roads that need it or wildlife crossings effective, and what the drivers are concerned, greater respect for speed limits, stop if time and space for it when we see an animal crossing, whatever their nature or size, or extreme caution if we observe that walking along the shoulder, just like we would if instead of a dog was a child.

If despite all this, comes the unfortunately we can not prevent abuse, we must have the sensitivity, generosity and courage to stop and get off the car, but not to check if there is a scratch on the plate, but to see if it is still possible to save that cat that perhaps all who has a fractured leg and therefore could be cured and live. But if you leave lying there another car that will crush the tail, and behind you break one more than the hip ... and thus, their agony will last until a driver, nor will stop, go through his wheel over the animal's head exploded against the asphalt.

And if they are afraid that the poor creature be soiled with blood wound the tapestry of their brand new car, put it under some newspapers or plastic. Or if you want to spend a few euros at the vet, call the nearest protective than good sure, in this situation will not let the animal left to its fate fatal. Solutions to their squeamishness or material impediments exist, if they want to search, of course, because it is no remedy for selfishness and hardness of heart. And miserable, very miserable have to be to pass over a living and continue without looking back. The others, those who trample can avoid it, are simply criminals.


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