Friday, December 3, 2010

Graphing Combinations

Transformations and Equilibria

If you believe in the balance the right balance                                                                                                 If you do not believe in delirium, ; Si no en creyera La Esperanza ...
La Maza, Silvio Rodríguez

seven years ago, when an unknown Patagonia, skinny, lanky and with enough warm mixture and awkward to get between people and injured with a camera (what a foretaste of what was to come: hurting with a camera ...) assumed the presidency of the nation, I believe that no one imagined how the country transformed.
We do not need, at this point, the list of measures of government that have promoted the social, political, economic and cultural development is underway in Argentina, but rather we would stop briefly at some nodal points, we believe, the whole practice Kirchner, who have taken the position that found.
Designing politics as the perfect environment for conflict resolution, it is absolutely united in the conviction not to criminalize social protest. If we remember previous governments (Menem, Duhalde, De la Rúa ) in which the policy was simply the executive arm of economic power, criminalization of social protest was a rule: given a single speech, the market, those who resisted was liable to enforcement, either the diabolical "that branch, branch closing, or the grossest, the denting of the stick ideologies. I think it unnecessary to emphasize that we are not talking of mere ideological disputes, but of exclusion, unemployment, violence, death, hunger. Real, concrete, brutal.
Now, how to approach the size of Conflict? (All possible transformation engine) : appealing to Balance. Broadly speaking, risk and grossly illustrate: the workers discuss with employers their income on joint negotiations, but in turn, the state offers companies several benefits: anti-dumping, consumer promotion, etc, in a circle that is reviving the economic circuit. The government, for a role of active intervention in economic life, but tending to a more equitable distribution of wealth. What is far? Yes, undoubtedly. But, already started, yes, too. A better example of balance? Universal Allowance for Child (AUH) is not, as intended his detractors-a gift, but financial assistance to the needy, with one condition: that of compulsory vaccination and education, that is, the sine qua non to receive it is to use the tools universally valid to leave the state of exclusion, health and education, a brilliant synthesis of the dialectic of rights and obligations, and intergenerational solidarity: the benefit, subject to that requirement, that future generations will have more and better prepared to face the challenges of life: cut the vicious circle of marginalization, nothing more, nothing less.
Of course, if we move this small store of concepts (equilibrium, conflict, solidarity, tolerance) to other fields, we would find, from Human Rights to the emergence of issues such as democratization of audiovisual communication, or from the historic achievement of gay marriage and unquestionably essential to the decriminalization of abortion, there are many issues that have fallen pregnance strong paradigms. The Baldwin has unleashed forces and social dynamics that go far beyond their ability to use, plus there is added: the emergence of youth taking their place in history, after a lethargy induced by the numbing of consciousness. not a minor detail, absolutely , and intensified significantly by the "untimely" death always Nestor Kirchner: his legacy has been to pursue the militancy, not to come to power to forget the ideals .
is then in this context and with the numerical need to add that I wonder, not without some anguish, for disturbing little impact they have had the tragic deaths of a city Qom (or tuff ) and a police officer in a conflict on "private property" which has united the interests of the provincial political power, judicial power, the police and the power and influence of landowners. The aforementioned "little impact" has been exhibited both in national government, such as the various groups that participate in Kirchner, and paradoxically, have had on our blogs derided some of the more explicit sentences like "I clarify, among many others interesting bloggers-analysis can be read on the blog of Daniel Mancuso friend, or in the Guillermo (all with wire) , which I play very similar points to those who are proposing here.
We are on the verge of an election year, moreover, choice National Executive.
is more than clear the need for Kirchner, embodied in the conduct of Cristina Fernandez, to articulate a policy frontage, in which, as is obvious from the heterogeneity of ideological and party memberships, the assembly is not something simple. Arguably, from every source from the front, there will be "snitches" to swallow, which is neither more nor less than the price of diversity, but I trust the opinion of our leaders to maintain this delicate balance.
However, away from everything "purism" (which could never compete with some friends from an inflexible thinking left), is imposed upon us the question about the limits should have the space, because in the process of power accumulation sum for, they will also empowering, or at least , preserving it if you already had, the Insfran, justice slope, common interests with the owners of the land. In short, the denial of what we used to hold. The as clearly as we can: intuit more we know about the enormous difficulties and complexities of governing, but also with humility, petitions for guys like Insfran not part of this project could tranquilamente perder algunos votos, pero lo que no podemos, ni debemos, es dejar afuera nuestras convicciones: inclusión, equilibrio, dignidad, equidad.  Acá hablamos de  represión y muerte, no de simpatías políticas, y además, tenemos una enorme obligación con los jóvenes que tomarán la posta mañana: un capital que vale mucho más que el del poroteo: el de seguir creyendo que la política es la condición necesaria para la  liberación, y el de sentir este compromiso ético con la vida, que los hizo acercarse.


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