Sunday, December 19, 2010

Aaron Diaz

Since I first read it, there was a sentence of Macedonio Fernandez struck me deeply, "will be so substantial as to enter the field, and yet it is another thing" . After all, long or short you will think, that phrase rubs dangerously true. And we say "slash" with an intention devoid of ingenuity, the truth is something that always occurs at a loss, the truth is leaving traces, we could say, "no such" no "the" truth as a point of arrival but rather would be seen as possible, re-released over and over again, that the ship comes to port, yes, but to come out. Another thing, I fear, be called religion, and not ours ...
Another way of saying, is that in relation to the truth, always walk in the surrounding area.
"That's why we prefer, as so often, and brazenly using the old code of the police edicts," prowl around, "for allegedly skirting outside of what has happened in the pompous and undeservedly called "Park" American Indian and shared with friends that patients read, some thoughts which, if achieved, should become the questions.
A first thought is that this does not happen in the center of tourism in the area of \u200b\u200binterest, white with well-stocked wallet, but on the periphery: in the vicinity. That is, this "possibility of control", to call in some way, you can take in neglected surroundings, where the "dress up as possible" is law, and not in the center illuminated by the flashes of tourists, friendly face of la Reina del Plata.
For example, we talk about the invasion of public space, in this case, a "park." If this place is so called, it to an abuse of language, abandoned, neglected, is published by the mere fact of not being "private property" , but not because the city government has held him (and maintained) decently as a recreational space for " neighbors. " Is this the definition of the public holding (forgive the oxymoron) the thought of the engineer? Interesting
has been seen in the media construction of reality, the role of neighbors. " Neighbors: here is a prolific significant, we could say, privileged, the macrismo. From the topological From the point of Given the locations, would be tempted to suppose as a grouping by proximity, to share a geography bounded, with identity elements, for example, "inhabitants of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires."
Is it? Our hypothesis is that, neighbor for macrismo is a fundamental building revolves primarily around private property. The neighbor with all the letters, is the owner. The tenant, if you can pay your rent, not "fall" category, but not worth a full member. And yet it is a further distinction: it has the same rating a neighbor the area north of the city to one of the south.
Following this simple scheme, the government is not lying when he says PRO governing for the neighbors, in fact, be more accurate to say that you do not mind in the least fortunate of those who do not qualify for the vecinazgo. In any case, those considered debased neighbors south are useful in both the excluded can oppose them. Any resemblance to a zombie movie is not accidental.
But there is another possible reading: this sort of word-PRO logo, the one that never fails to comment on any of his speeches, is arguably also a form of marking, to unveil its own limits: the Macri is a neighborhood party, which may eventually enjoy the support of the Buenos Aires disturbingly volatile electorate, but can not, per se, go much further. These neighbors have been presented by the media as a justification for violence, like other poor fighting poor. . But We talk about the same poverty when we refer to the owner or tenant of an apartment with formal employment, social work, a pension contribution that the excluded who rent a miserable piece for five or more persons in a village, hopefully tickets are malnourished, lacking everything that we consider basic living? Obviously, the answer is no, we are talking about lower middle class people, or even lower, which has been pushing to face exclusion, to the point of having imported violent groups to promote the idea of \u200b\u200bmass violence, and spontaneous. The reality is that after the appeal to xenophobia by Macri, attempt to frighten the bourgeois on what we know leads, and that the language of the media is Slippage occurred "occupation" to the much more suggestive of "taking", claims even more worthy of consideration, the vast majority of genuine locals are not joined in the production of violence . The most radical of the "neighbors", inspired by a Head of Government ever wondered what happen to him all these things, call for train filled with dark-skinned foreigners headed north. Some small groups have been very determined, firing shots, or throwing stones, and follow them: they are "defending their neighborhood." And here comes a disturbing issue: the ease of transmission violence. It is a classic figure of hooligan as a shock force employable in any segment of society that has sufficient economic power or ability to influence and impunity enjoyed by the common consensus and unanimous in their rejection, but if the show (and target) warranted, becomes "neighbor who defends his neighborhood." What are the social antibodies do not fall into these situations? ; ;                                                         This has created a contagion effect, various pockets where they occupy land dispossessed demanding solution to their housing problems. It is, in the racist language that has cooker, "the invasion of the blacks", "plan rest", the "come here because they do nothing and give them benefits." Repeater serial Both chattering by Hence, venting their anger, will there ever think that those times that longs, which could travel abroad because a weight was one dollar, this event is to be paid beginning in 2001? Has it ever occurred to you that the "branch line for, branch that closes" that so much admiration caused, decreed the end of the rail, and with it the death of countless people and forced migration? Had everything in terms of "public opinion" regarding this issue. In the xenophobes are not going to talk specifically, but are included in the register of violent and have not moved from his home, simply by its ability to generate hostile climates, site preparation leading to a "do country, kill a ball! " , think we are more interested in other cases, those good people, working people, which, while not going great hardship, it is not in an enviable position in the chain of consumption: One consequence of this false "poor against the poor" who have sought to install, has the subtlety of injustice "to them, they hold, you will be given a house, and me, I rent xxx years ago, do not give me nothing ... " I have some questions beyond the CABA housing plans in local government does not implement, Should not banks provide home loans to people who have a formal job, and deal with the state of those needs of the most vulnerable ? There is a bill that financial reform has raised in this regard, but has not seen much enthusiasm in supporting their implementation, ie may have to think also that when a law cajonea can redirect credit there is some degree of responsibility to get to this type of situation, or in the case of employers who pay part of wages in black and thus prevent an already qualify for in itself sparsely property loans. How many of the voices we hear daily convictions are actively involved in the production of these realities?
The issue of exclusion is a problem that will take years to reverse, and in my opinion, is a priority today all state welfarism possible to incorporate the system, there is another possibility here, and, I fear, your benefits will not be verified but the children of those who have been completely expelled from the system. But also requires that we, citizens, "neighbors", we seek to understand phenomena in their complexity, and we are not only the repetitive discourse of love.
surely have many more issues that are "around" issues like these, questions that remain hidden, hidden behind those truths canned pack sold us, in any case, the important thing is to always remember to stick around the periphery of the issues, because there are usually found some fragments of Indeed, if there are invaluable treasure.


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