Saturday, February 19, 2011

Retirement Cartoons For Women

would like to share with you a letter to the editor, published in the print edition today Página/12. Whether by lack of expertise to search, not found in the online edition, so that the transcribed below. Its author, Mr. Juan Antonio Martinez, said the following:

I'm Catholic and I live in Caballito. From Kirchner's death I went to several churches in the neighborhood wanting a Mass to pray for the late President Nestor Carlos Kirchner. In all refused to enter the name and surname. I noted that it was a former president of the nation, but to no avail. The last one was a priest of the parish of Caacupé, who said he would appoint him as Nestor just because that had been baptized. Thus, none of the faithful know that it was the former president.                                                                                                 All this made me remember that the March 9, 1956 appeared in the Official Gazette a decree-law of civil-military dictatorship banned throughout the nation use, "whether isolated individuals or groups of individuals, associations ..., images, symbols, signs, meaningful expressions, doctrines, articles and artwork, such character or wishing they could be taken by someone like those belonging to or used by individuals or bodies representative of Peronism. " It was considered "especially in violation of this provision the use of the photograph, portrait or sculpture Peronist officials or their relatives, the shield and the Peronist banner, the name of the deposed president himself, of his relatives, the terms "Peronist", "Peronism", "PJ "" PJ, "" third position ", the abbreviation PP, dates exalted by the deposed regime, musical compositions" March of the Peronist Boys "and" Evita captain "and the speeches of the ousted president or his wife." One of the main goals of the Liberating Revolution Or shot? was "desperonización the country" speaking the CGT, destroying the symbols of Peronism and prohibiting The mere mention of the names of Perón and Evita. Turning to the denial of these parishes, I wish that when the Church honors its saints remembered as Santa Teresa Avila and Santa Rosa de Lima, and not as Teresa and Rosa. The question is: why can not pray for former President Nestor Carlos Kirchner? Is that the archdiocese still has the ban on naming the Peronist and their symbols? ".

So far, the letter of this gentleman. It itself has an eloquence to which we must not add anything we could do various analysis and reading about the attempt to abolish the name,. but I think it would only be possible intellectualized, and not about that, just a landmark: once the death has posed a shadow over us, what remains is the name. We become the name. I did not even clear whether Mr. Martinez is Kirchner, or Peronist. Clarifies the move: "I'm Catholic." It is a letter from a Catholic, a faithful , that is only closed when asking for something quite basic and common in the Catholic rite, something that is not denied to anyone because as a faithful, was asking for a actual action of God's order, and received replies worthy of Caesar. Martínez was not asking for something "political", but that in the Mass, I nominate, as any dead laying would pray.

Nobody said it better than Antonio Machado :

Oh, you are not my singing
I can not sing and I
the tree that Jesus
but who walked into the sea.

The Church does not condemn Von Wernich to consolidating and guaranteeing forgiveness torturers and murderers, the Church does Grassi predators to enjoy their freedom even when convicted, the Church demanded that its throwing Baseotto sea ministers to defend the use of condoms, Bergoglio church where their street gangs pointed to those Jesuits who were to be kidnapped. That Church will not accede to the request of pious prayer of a faithful, because they have made it clear that piety is not your thing .. But Mr. Martinez would say to try to make your request in another church: that of Mugica, Angelelli, the Pallottines, French nuns abducted by Astiz in the Church Santa Cruz De La Serna request one, or slum priests, or in the chapels of the working class neighborhoods, places where Jesus walked, I suppose, more comfortable than the luxurious halls of the curia.


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