taurine Recording dog torture
style Al Gore film but with real actors. An individual who calls himself "Lulu" has posted on its Web site, "Murderer Knin" videos that appear torturing puppies. Police are trying to catch this psychopath who describes step by step the process continues to kill the young, and it does give details as follows:
"extended leg burns, ear and muzzle (the muzzle has been to test reflexes), broken forelegs, mutilation, salt in the wounds , sharps rectal penetration, physical abuse (11 hours total), including their own droppings intake (clarifies that all puppies have been killed in the terror defecated),
mechanical asphyxiation, the practice of "Christ", breaking your shoulder blades and moving their feet to the opposite .... "
The filming of his blog shows that this and other equally horrific practices, or are bullying or survive only in the imagination of this miserable, but that has been carried out and also proud of his behavior. Enter your comments we can read:
"Admire my movie, made with love and love for nature. Badajoz neighbors care that I'll get as his neglect it ...". Very recently, also in the capital Badajoz, appeared a braco tied to the railroad and beheaded the unfortunate creature had been rescued a few days earlier after a car dragged her tied to a cable. Many remember cases such as the "Catkiller Talavera "with its proud display of dead cats after stoning, the John side that took the lives of German Shepherd clubs, and many others in which animals are burnt alive, thrown from windows, dismembered, flayed, thrown Rivers tied to a weight, hung and stabbed ... seems to be no limit either in form or number for the most disgusting and extreme cruelty to these helpless cowards by drunken bloody sadism.
Of course the whole society with its political head, made similar laments and loathes them. Okay, let's believe them and acknowledge their pain and rejection are sincere ... Let's play make us idiots. Are you sure that's what you feel, I'm not well, the truth is that I did not drink, I do not mean to citizens, but those responsible for drafting the legislation that provides for the qualification for such acts and the penalty applies to them. Do you know of any case in Spain where only one of these criminals have gone to jail? I guarantee that and everything else, what they do is scratch his pocket to pay a fine. What credibility can offer so those who are merely exercising a moral condemnation not properly reflected in the law when it has power to do so?
Many of us are sick of the little theater that represent each time lawmakers have no choice but to publicly express their views on events as described. Tired of empty verbiage and cynical launching messages of respect, freedom, protection of our environment or peaceful coexistence, a whole lot of statements of intent that the blood of innocents is responsible for diluting and eventually apply only these principles when the victims are human beings - and not always -. Not raise but disgust to see how the model of social behavior speciesist sold to us as a pattern of conduct to follow, not just the animals were deprived of any fundamental right, but those who are mistreated or killed in such perverse actions are given veiled power and impunity for abuse on those things, because least in our country the Penal Code carries no deterrent effect whatsoever and is only personal ethics determines to be exercised or not as a torturer of animals.
The video attests to this atrocity should be served with breakfast for all who are competent drafting and implementing laws forcing them to see it, perhaps after the present do not show indifference and laxity with facing events of this nature. I know that the police are doing their best to find the torturer and murderer. And they will, but then what happens?, "Return home charged with animal abuse and a financial penalty? Under our current laws will. And if his act on a dog, a cat, a donkey or a calf is
per se a sufficient reason to condemn the imprisonment of its author, we must remember that professional law enforcement, medical and workers social never tire of repeating and is taken into account in other countries - in Spain, as always, We despise the ready and the results from studies and statistics where not fit what we need - the history of cruelty to animals are present in most of the cases of violent behavior against people. Who have the stomach for it you see the images of the torturer "Lulu" and to reflect. Can be found on the Internet. Stay with the look of the puppy and if you hold some responsibility for the legal consequences of crimes such as this, I hope your image will pursue to the end of his days, or until you have the courage and decency to correct and understand that the criminal defines itself by its conduct and not according to the species of the victim.
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