Sunday, February 20, 2011

”i-catcher Console - Web Monitor

The "reality" of a counselor

The Minister of Agriculture and Livestock of the Junta de Castilla y León, Silvia Clemente, said during the inauguration of a series of colloquia bullfighting "bulls are a social reality in our country and a few are not going to change this ... ". Of course, Ms. Clemente is a keen supporter of bullfights and according to her breeding bulls is an important economic activity, a theory that conflicts with the losses and again stated having cattle ranchers for the fight.

But let's focus on the consideration that the Minister attaches to bullfighting in their attempt to protect and ensure its continuity, "social reality." This concept describes trends in a community socially accepted, but what Doña Silvia seems to ignore, or perhaps not, is that it varies with time and with the acquisition of new knowledge. Perhaps in his statements making use of the best known principle of "social reality", the so-called "big lie" that indicates that an exaggerated lie convinced more easily than a realist. Hitler used it when he said that "the new reality social nationalist rule the world for the next thousand years ... "

Silvia Clemente probably trying to confuse people knowingly trying to convert subjectivity, interests and current realities in the past - not now same - a noun, so give moral legitimacy to what was once not even questioned because humans had not reached such a degree of ethical evolution. It is exactly what history has been left with "realities" such as slavery, the deification of Roman emperors or the consideration of women as an inferior creature man.

Lady Advisor, whether you want to feed its branches as it aims to continue from the administration to supply money to bullfighting should, especially considering the holding position of responsibility, to show more rigor and honesty, because their interpretation of the "social reality taurine can not identify with the" truth "when the truth is that every day more people reject that animals are subjected to such cruel torture. His first "defeat of Leningrad" has taken place in Catalonia as well as in many municipalities. Others come to crumble his dream of a millennium of blood, abuse and pain. "The Few" and less, are fans of the show brutal, not his detractors. Do not mistake the words please, because I do not think it is very convenient that puts their personal passions that exercise integrity policy requires.


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