Monday, February 28, 2011

This View View Shtml Intitle Inurl Bathroom

Hitgirl: murderous girls duel

Hi folks, I had a good idea to resurrect the versus and after having the approval of the chief Temple, here I bring the first versus in a long time between two characters, one of anime and other comics / movies ... the cool and deadly Kirika Yuumura anime 2001, NOIR, and Hitgirl, small kickass super hero.

E S o what is the best killer? compare their biographies:

Yuumura Kirika: is a young Japanese student who suffers from amnesia and only knows that his real name is NOIR (black in French). No one really knows if Kirika is your real name, and she was found alone with a student card with that name and photograph.

works with the beautiful French Mireille Bouquet, who knows in the first episode of the series and since then the two are a deadly team based in Paris where they seek clues to his past and how this is related to the mysterious secret society Les Soldats .

Kirika is a killer expert with firearms, the gun of choice is a Beretta M1934, but is also capable of transforming any everyday object into a lethal weapon. Despite its innocent appearance and even fragile, it is very cold at the time of killing their opponents.

Noir is an anime and Bee Train was the first of a trilogy of girls with guns and was followed by Madlax and Witchblade, but Noir was the one who won more fame and recognition. The anime was directed by Koichi Mashimo and written by Ryoei Tsukimura.

HitGirl: is the alter ego of Mindy McCready, daughter of Big Daddy , a violent masked crusader who seeks to destroy the criminal organization of J ohn Genovese, an Italian Mafioso City New York. Thanks to the strict training of his daddy, little is a deadly killer expert in all weapons and melee. Part of the first generation of super heroes real shot to fame thanks to Kick-Ass , alter ego of Dave Lizewski , who befriends and later mentor. Kick-Ass

has two versions of the comic, more violent and cynical, and the film, which is lighter and is spiced with some humor. Hit Girl is a small, lethal with a foul mouth in both versions, but his life is affected differently by Big Daddy, which is the character that switches between the comic and the movie. While the comic is a madman obsessed with being super hero funding that living selling to collectors rare comics, the movie is a cop who tries to take revenge on the mobster Frank D'amico by the death of his wife and the plot that led to jail.

comic Kick-Ass was created by Mark Millar and illustrated by John Romita Jr was made into a film in 2010 by Matthew Vaughn, who chose the small Chloe Moritz for the role of Hit Girl.

Well ... Which believe that survive a fight between the two? .. truth is a hard choice!

Jay "I can kill people so easily. Then Why Do I feel sad? ... Show's over, motherfuckers."

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Elegant Christmas Wrapping Paper Ideas

Detroit: A black hole in the United States

Detroit in 1966 was the heart of the automotive industry in the United States and one of the most prosperous cities in the world with a population of 2 million people. Today its population is less than a million people, since many of its inhabitants, mainly white middle class, went to the suburbs after the 1967 race riots.

crime and unemployment ravaged the city in the 70's, 80's and 90's, while the Big 3 Chrysler, Ford and GMC were beginning to take losses that forced them to close plants and lay off staff. To make matters worse Mayor Coleman Young , who directed the city from 1974 to 1993 the city commissioned segregation between whites and blacks suburban center with a defiant attitude and vulgar term by the city sink .

Currently the city is in ruins after decades of neglect and corruption of his government and major industries. Many their buildings are damaged and are uninhabitable, even in some areas have been demolished or burned by the inhabitants, especially in the "Devil's Night", the day before Halloween.

Detroit Walking at night is more insecure than doing it in Baghdad or Afghanistan, and the city has been called Murder City , instead of the classic Motor City, for having the highest homicide rate of all U.S. . In itself, the place looks like a post apocalyptic war zone, with its dilapidated buildings and streets taken by gangs and drug dealers.

What happened in Detroit?

reading some articles on Internet I found several interesting points and some pretty controversial.

First is the issue of the fall of the automotive industry, which was the main source of income for the city and which employed the majority of its population. When the industry went into crisis in the 70's, gradually yielding to foreign competition, especially Japanese, Detroit began to plummet. However, it is hard to believe that a big city like Detroit could not recover and diversify their economic, like other cities have done. Certainly

North American industry is in crisis, and several cities face high unemployment rates as they see major export industries such jobs to other countries with cheaper labor. Many blame the unions to demand much benefit in the long run more expensive production in the United States, while others argue that American industry lost its vision for the future and was overtaken by Asians and Europeans.

However, this is the tricky part of the case, many people blame the debacle of Detroit's racial division caused by the upheaval of 1967, after which much of the white population migrated out of town, which remained in power of a black majority, represented by the controversial mayor Coleman Young, the first black mayor of the United States. After this abrupt demographic and political change in the city began a downward spiral into chaos and poverty today.

I know I'm in dangerous territory, but I think it's a valid observation, to see beyond the crisis in the automotive industry as the cause of the fall of Detroit. And Detroit's case is a repeat of what we saw in New Orleans, Haiti, in almost all Sub-Saharan Africa and not go too long, in Costa Rica in the province of Limon. It is sad but one with the naked eye can make the relationship blacks = poverty + corruption.

The sensitive issue of race

First of all is what I'm getting into. I know it sounds racist despite the fact that I know many people of color good, honest and hardworking. I think there have been people of color who has given enormous contributions to humanity at the level of music, sports, literature, public speaking and much more. I do not want at any time denigrate people of color or ignore the brutal crimes and injustice of those who have been victimized throughout history, not only in America but worldwide.

But even the same people of color, or black people if I may, you should feel ashamed to see how his people could not cope. Many are content to blame the target for all their woes, something that I consider racist and forget that at some point in the history of all racial groups have screwed us the powerful alike. A exterminated the Indians, the Chinese also exploited them ... even white people like Irish, Italians have been humiliated and excluded. For the Hindus, Pakistanis and Hispanics, especially the more brown-skinned, are also excluded.

And despite the fact that poverty is spreading throughout the world among different racial groups, this seems like picking on black people. And with poverty comes from violence, war, crime, corruption and a host of social ills that end up sinking their communities. I think the question is why?

Chris Rock, this brilliant black comedy, tells of a civil war among black people. The two sides are decent, hardworking black people and niggers (I apologize for the use of the word) that no more than other criminals and vagrants. I'm agree Chris, I think the worst enemy of black people are not whites but blacks themselves. Tonight

talking to one of the friends of my sister, a police officer who worked in the province of Limon, Costa Rica in the Caribbean, this I can confirm what the local media have been reporting. The city of Limon is in ruins and is dominated by drug traffickers. In fact it is unfortunately also one of the most dangerous places in the country with one of the highest crime rates. The killings are a thing of every day and are the drugs, not the spring, also operated by a mafia of corrupt union, the main industry of the place.

is a pity, because I've visited Limon and has some of the most beautiful places the country, but now is so insecure that many people have to think twice seen this place and not be victimized. To make matters worse, the crime has been mixed so well with the culture that now the musicians are idolized rap life of drug and gang and even their football team made the mistake of celebrating a goal by simulating a shooting, a fact that generated controversy among many people.

news If you look, you see the pattern repeated in Haiti, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. It was the first independent country of America and at one time one of the most prosperous colonies due to the cultivation of Sugarcane. It now seems hell on Earth, with a population living in poverty, unprotected, hungry and diseases in their desperation to survive have destroyed the country, to the extent that this can be seen from the satellite like a desert compared with neighboring Dominican Republic, which shares the English Island.

Africa and then we'll see example after example of how a company fails and collapses, no matter how rich it is their territory. Oil producing countries, and precious stones, torn by hunger, misery, corruption of governments led by black people too, who have no shame in their pockets while the people die slowly in inhumane conditions. Of course the rich countries and their corporations have some responsibility, for historical and economic issues, but above all the failure is due to the inability of people to live in society and develop.

And finally we have examples in the territory of the world's most powerful economy. New Orleans shocked the world with scenes of death, ruin and destruction Hurraco after Katrina, which brought to light the shortcomings of a city with a rich history and culture, but with a majority black population did not enjoy the benefits of economic prosperity and is also stifled by crime and unemployment.

And now we have also to Detroit, as a ruined city whose residents remembered with nostalgia as only a few decades ago lived in an icon of American economic power.

The famous geneticist James D. Watson was accused of racism by saying that development policies in Africa have failed because they are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours. I think his comment is not racist, but it was misinterpreted.

Not that there is no intelligent black people, but it seems almost a cultural thing that they discriminate against black intelligent people in their communities. As if being intelligent is a bad thing, and although some time to be intelligent is a dangerous thing, is that thought that being an intelligent black equals being a submissive black to white. Interestingly

black people preferred to develop their artistic and athletic skills, which are outstanding and even envied by other races. But to my player football or singer are even more submissive than an intellectual. And it seems that something in the genes of blacks really prevents many of them develop an interest in academic or economic issues that are vital to administer the state. That could explain a lot, of course, not generalize that ALL black people are incapable of assuming such responsibilities.

To further clarify the point, since not all blacks will be able to be rap stars or NBA players, and that a society needs leaders in political, economic and technology, I think it will need to be evaluated differently how to help these populations to emerge. I think the first blacks themselves need a change of mentality, of stop back so much resentment and excuses and get to work for a better future for themselves. Likewise

governments must identify the qualities of people, including race, to ensure that such persons can be included in society successfully. For me Stephen Hawking and Michael Jordan are also striking good in their respective fields and their contributions are valuable. Each of them was able to discover their skills and eventually achieve their maximum potential. This quota is not achieved as some people claim, but with a system that can fit the individual talent opportunities.

Anyway, I think Detroit case gives rise to an interesting debate, not about who is more than who or who is to blame for that but rather on how we can correct the problem and we can actually achieve the dream of Martin Luther King, where people are not judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

Some links on the topic: / 662155/posts

Jay "Putting your finger on the pulse"

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Baddest Ruffest Song Lyrics

Evangelion A New Mythology? (PART 1) All Star Superman

Many of us have wondered as an animation such as Eva has given so much to talk over the years and also has much material to draw from. For many who have never seen Eva or just do not do any attention or are new (and see their ninjas oranges) do not give credence to this work of Mr. Hideaki Anno. Evangelion Personalmentecreó that will be the most controvercial saga ever made in the Anime. No series has succeeded in creating the level of discussion that has achieved this.

Many will see this story as a simple series of giant robots, many others have detailed that you will see that this is only the tip of the mountain as the background social and psychological it has unleashed thousands of ramblings about why and how of life.

I do not see much need to detail the center of the story of Eve but we have to get off in the world, so you can more easily enter the central theme.

Neon Genesis Evangelion (Shin Seiki Evangerion) is a successful Japanese animation series for television, who was born in 1995. His script and direction was given by general Hideaki Anno and produced by Gainax .

Your futuristic scenario is developed in 2015, fifteen years after the Second Impact caused by a meteorite that ended the lives of more than half terraqueous population.

Humanity must recover from this disaster ... Tokyo 3-1 civilian city, militarized, located in the regions of destruction-free Japan is suddenly attacked by strange monsters called Angeles. mundane weapons are useless against these creatures, and the only known defense is capable of coping mecha biomechanical created by the paramilitary organization NERV .

These units are called Evas. The series presents an insightful analysis of the main characters, especially his protagonist, Shinji Ikari .

You want to add a very important, the focus of the post lies in putting on the table, an analysis is Evangelion may be one or sub-Mythology Mythology, but in reality this would thank Mr. Hideki Anno. A man who reminds me of Gundam creator Tomino, since in both cases their series is deeply rooted in the emotional moment. You both have curiously a strange fascination for the occult and religious, maybe as a means of escape from their emotional decayed.

The creator and director of this prestigious anime, Hideaki Anno, suffered a long period of depression prior to creating Evangelion. Many elements derived from the series are based on their biographical experiences, are shown states of depression and echoes of psychoanalytic theories Hideaki learned from his psychotherapy.

As a result of these particulars, the anime characters exhibit a variety of disorders and problems that combine humor with emotional health, but their focus is depression, trauma and anxiety disorders.

Evangelion consists of 26 television episodes that were exhibited for the first time by TV Tokyo. Aired on October 4, 1995 and ended on March 27, 1996. Then came two movies called Death and Rebirth and The End of Evangelion.

Both films were later reprinted and re-released as a single film called Rebirth of Evangelion in 1998. Two additional DVDs containing the final original episodes of the series and the Special Edition Director's Cut of Episodes 21, 22, 23 and 24. (mostly new scenes and some that were censored in the original version, we also have every episode who managed to acquire the DVD's commentary Anno throughout each episode (which are very interesting).

"Death and Rebirth" reworked sequences of the series, while the "End of Evangelion" is an extension of episode 26, intended as an alternate ending of the series. Now as many know is make a new series of OVA these come to give you a change to significantly improving the animation history and also some much welcome your characters denote better growth and even to the outbursts of psychotic disorder and depression, giving a fresh look at where each character does evolve. Recalling that for this new release a new story with a new ending in the fourth installment (this year we look forward to the 3 Ova).

After this brief summary we go to the subject matter.

Neon Genesis Evangelion While it is a series where A gency NERV (during the year 2015) protects humanity using the mysterious mecha known "EVA" of mysterious attackers called "angels" his big issue is in the words of its creators, "The heart of the people" . But this argument appears in a science fiction mixed with a certain religious background and jargon of psychotherapy.

Clearly this has caused great questions from viewers. In fact, it takes nothing more than glance at the websites of the fans to see speculation about many aspects of the series, is on the agenda.

And really, sometimes the story itself is difficult to follow. Where do we think the confusion comes from? . Well not be familiar with many of the crucial elements of the story. Indeed, the angels of which EVA defend us, have little to do with the tradition of Judeo-Christian . The same goes for Adam , the being to whom the angels must reach for probably cause the extinction of mankind, or with Lilith, the mysterious giant under the barracks Nerv. It is difficult to understand the role they play in the series if we do not know, more or less, who they are. Y. .. what, or who are they?

Hideaki Anno, creator and director of the series, appropriates some esoteric elements present in traditions such as Christianity and Judaism, but not only them, to tell his story.

From them, change certain aspects, adding some data, combined others, and so on. The result will be a new mythology (or that's the idea), with the peculiarity of having been conceived at the end of a century by other problematic. Then it becomes necessary for the fan, and relevant for the curious, to clarify the new meaning in Evangelion, adopting the old names. For this we have a booklet, known as Red Cross Book. This is a glossary that was sold in the halls of Japan when the movie premiered The End of Evangelion in 1997 and recently in New Eggs. He will send us to distinguish the ancient mythologies of the new introduced by Hideaki Anno. The following are some of those changes.

:: Angels::

According to Red Cross Book , angels are beings originated source of all life forms. The source is known as Lilith . can be any size and shape, as small as a bacterium or intangible as a shadow . Kozue Fuyutsuki (second in the chain of command of the agency NERV) said that the angels are the fruit of life, while humans are the result of intelligence. It can be said to be another form of human beings. Also, the man is considered the 18 º of angels invaders.

For its part, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, (approved and promulgated by John Paul II in 1997) refers to the angels, also called "sons of God" , as purely spiritual creatures, immortals, more perfect than all visible creatures with intelligence and will. That is personal. They are servants and messengers of God's saving plan, created by and for Him, guide, as protectors and pastors, to all the faithful from his birth until his death.

On the side of the Jewish tradition, angels are also called "sons of God" , but some scholars say that in the older sagas are a kind of heavenly court. Believe that this survives in the use of first person plural in certain passages of the Bible, God refer to himself or in cases, such as Psalm 82. 1-7, where God appears in a meeting with gods, "sons of God." later elsewhere, lost the divine nature and will only messengers and servants of one God.

However, neither in the Christian dogma, nor in the Jewish tradition, angels are sagas where arising out of Lilith and have a very intimate relationship with humans. In addition, in Genesis 3. 20 is explicit that mother of all living is Eva , such is the meaning of his name. Thus we Evangelion, an original and novel characterization of the angels.

:: Adam::

According to Genesis, Adam is the man that God created the sixth day. It was made in His image and likeness, the dust of the earth to which he breathed the breath of life.

For its part, the Red Cross Book says is the first angel. The giant of light located in Antarctica. Apparently, have awakened to the fact what caused the Second Impact , catastrophe on a planetary scale that originated at the South Pole that would cause the disappearance of nearly half the world population. He was then reduced to the status of the embryo and taken to Japan from Germany Kaji (Japanese government agent infiltrated NERV).

That Adam is an angel is a new connection, since neither dogma nor in the Apocrypha appears that gender identification. Being a giant is also something new. While in Genesis 6. 1-4 speak of giants who inhabited the land, makes it clear that Adam was not one of them, because the giants were born of sexual intercourse among daughters of men and the children of God (according to the First Book of Enoch the Ethiopian these "sons of God" are certain angels who are then considered fallen).

The story of the giants appears better developed in one of the books Enoch among the Dead Sea Scrolls.

There that before the flood, men and angels interact freely, so freely that some of them had children with human women. The offspring of this unnatural union were giants, who with the angels that had engendered, was spent on land purchase.

Now let's get this up here in the post we will detail siquiente more items in the series, before we make a point, no mythology as such has been created out of nothing, but part of other past or join, this is how the Romans adopted the Greek Mythology adding details or significant changes, another example is how the Judeo-Christian Religion was influenced by Babylonian on many items including angels.

Now before throwing knives and flames, I'm not saying that Anno created a mythology that easy, but the interesting thing is how does something similar.


Monday, February 21, 2011

Open A Number Lock Old Bag

temple Greetings dear readers. I noticed some traffic on the posts on the movie of the DC Animated Universe and the truth is that it is time to talk about the last, which was released recently. This is the animated adaptation of the excellent series of 12 numbers Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely on man of steel.

If you are ready, it's time to rise and begin our flight ...

Director Sam Liu
Producers Bruce Timm, Alan Burnett and Sam Register
Dwayne McDuffie
Based on the comics of Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely and the character created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster Starring

James Denton Superman / Clark Kent

Christina Hendricks as Lois Lane

Anthony LaPaglia as Lex Luthor

Music by Christopher Drake

Warner Bros. Animation, Warner Premiere and DC Comics
Warner Home Video Distribution Released
February 22, 2011 Duration 75

English Language

Synopsis After rescuing Dr. Leo Quintum and the crew of the first human mission to the sun manned a genetically altered monster by Lex Luthor, Superman discovers that his exposure to sun is destroying cells and thus dying.

Following this, decides to initiate a series of tasks to take advantage of last year. First he admits that Lois Lane and Clark Kent are the same person, although she is not convinced. It also tries to understand his arch enemy Lex Luthor, who is also sentenced to death and all, is tested against several enemies inside and outside the planet.


I think I can define this film as a good attempt, but falls short in comparison to the wonderful material that is based. If you want to see the full history of All Star Superman, take this film as a 75-minute shopping and find the 12 numbers. They will not regret it, especially if they claim to be fans of Superman.

Personally I like the character of Superman, but I like Clark Kent. To me, Clark is what makes Superman a character accessible and interesting, because I get tired very quickly of the quasi divine hyper powerful muscle mass and nearly indestructible to which many writers and even fans tend to reduce the character.

Superman is a Christ alien with muscles that fight epic battles against more powerful enemies in the universe. Cool ... but also has a life on Earth. He was raised as a Midwest farmer. He has a job as a reporter and the unattainable love of Lois Lane. Clark frankly to me is the fascinating character who represents the humanity of Superman.

And that's just what I like the way Morrison wrote it. The guy does soles to feed a giant space squid, weighing keys makes mega tonnes from dwarf stars and may find the cure for cancer. But still the Smallville same Boy Scout who was raised by Jonathan and Martha Kent. Some of it stayed in the movie, and I must say that the voice of Denton stay cool. This Superman feels that a human and can relate to.

other hand this film has the best Lex Luthor that seen in the DC Comics animated films. Anthony LaPaglia's voice fits perfectly with the character, who often steals the show with his sarcasm and his stylish arrogance. Definitely for me is the best character in the film.

But despite these successes, I think this movie is far from being the best in the DC Universe. And the truth is left out many things that ultimately do not allow people to understand and live the end with the grandeur and excitement that is in the comics.

This is an epic story, like any good story of Greek mythology on a semi divine being just the greatest feats that you can imagine. In the comic you can feel it ... it is a true science fiction opera. The film is not ... left out or change the key moments of comic books as Superman's visit back to look for the last time his father was alive or his way through the bizarre world.

The film tries to represent other key moments in the comics, but fails to link them effectively, and eventually lost to the end that everything takes a little sense, but just leave that feeling that could have been better.

As the third most important character in the story, Lois Lane, the truth is that Christina Hendricks did not convince me. He started well but gradually the story was moving and towards the end his reaction to the events feel forced. The Truth in Superman comics and his relationship with Clark is also very ambiguous ... not finished out of the stereotype of cold and unapproachable who loves Superman and Clark despises ... but Morrison is forgiven the fact that trying to make a Superman Silver age, where Lois had not yet matured enough to see beyond the lens of Clark.

For action and fighting, the film okay, but not spectacular as Superman / Batman Apocalypse.

Finally, I reiterate that it was a good attempt, but fell well short in relation to the original material for the first time it appears that DC sinned by not giving him enough time to film, or maybe the format, because I think working animated shorts on each of the numbers or at least the most important would be a better way to adapt the story.


Jay "Stay away Father, you reeks of irrationality-
Lex Luthor"

Sunday, February 20, 2011

How To Play Undf File

Room in Rome

Kaori Temple Greetings Readers, yesterday I had an intense cinematic marathon and I'd like to share with you slowly enjoy the movies yesterday, starting with this gem of Julio Medem, in Room Rome.

is amazing how something that honestly started out as a morbid indulgence to my fetish voyeur lesbian became a film and intellectual experience extremely enriching. Medem was able to connect two parts of my personality in a masterful way and that is why I could not wait to share my views on this movie with you.

Julio Medem Address
Assistant Director Sara Mazkiaran
Artistic Director Montse Sanz Alvaro Longoria Production

Guion Julio Medem Cast

Alba Elena Anaya
Yarovenko as Natasha Natasha
Enrico Lo Verso as
Max Music Jocelyn Pook

Juan Borrell Sound Photography Alex Catalan

Mount Julio Medem
Costumes Carlos Díez Country
Year 2010
Gender drama
Duration 109 min.

Language (s) English, Russian, English, Italian
Production Companies
Morena Films Paramount Pictures Distribution

Synopsis Two beautiful women, Natasha and Alba, are known a night in a bar in Rome. After insisting for a while, Alba manages to convince Natasha to accompany her to her room, where he begins to seduce her to start a night of sex that eventually stained romance, creating a deep bond between two women.


feel that Medem made this movie in my size, like a tailor making me a suit. It's brilliant, beautiful, sensual, done with taste and finesse ... is a marvel of film. I'm not sure everyone can collect the same, not only for the lesbian theme background but by how it deals with Medem. A deeply touched me a very personal level.

I am among those who believe that the human body is a work of art, and the female body is a beautiful work of art. See the naked bodies of two women entwined, romping, laughing, in a charming room decorated with Renaissance paintings with the city of Rome in the background ... is simply beautiful in its maximum expression.

Everything about this film is beautiful, apart from the actresses, the scenery, lighting, dialogue, silence, the profile of Roma in the morning ... even the way in which two women make love like a dance sensual, soft, sinuous, funny, sensual ... it is impossible to improve the picture you created Medem.

as a spectator I assume the role of Marcello, the brilliant Italian waiter, who just looks like these two beauties are able to get pleasure if your help. I am happy to witness and assist in the act, it's just like watching the sunrise over Rome. One did not and is not part of it, just sits entranced by the beauty and celebrates it.

addition one counts with all the metaphors. The girls are metaphors for their countries, Spain and Russia, opposite ends of Europe found in Italy. The English short, brunette, pretty face, happy, aggressive, engineer and inventor falls in love with the actress and Sharapova tall, pale, blond hair, something cold and timid, but once it gets great confidence. And Marcelo, who is Italy, the penis of a Europe that although backwards ends losing to Spain, never loses the humor and gives a good flavor to the movie comedy.

The truth is that I have me be restrained so as not to spoil the movie, they have to live it to understand it. That if this is not suitable for religious fanatics, homophobic and other CLOSED MINDS out there. Whether searching for simple porn and get bored with the dialogue about art, love and life and not able or willing to go beyond a simple erection, for it is xHamster and varied collection of free porn videos.

Greetings "Jay, wanting to be a good bottle of Tuscan wine"

”i-catcher Console - Web Monitor

The "reality" of a counselor

The Minister of Agriculture and Livestock of the Junta de Castilla y León, Silvia Clemente, said during the inauguration of a series of colloquia bullfighting "bulls are a social reality in our country and a few are not going to change this ... ". Of course, Ms. Clemente is a keen supporter of bullfights and according to her breeding bulls is an important economic activity, a theory that conflicts with the losses and again stated having cattle ranchers for the fight.

But let's focus on the consideration that the Minister attaches to bullfighting in their attempt to protect and ensure its continuity, "social reality." This concept describes trends in a community socially accepted, but what Doña Silvia seems to ignore, or perhaps not, is that it varies with time and with the acquisition of new knowledge. Perhaps in his statements making use of the best known principle of "social reality", the so-called "big lie" that indicates that an exaggerated lie convinced more easily than a realist. Hitler used it when he said that "the new reality social nationalist rule the world for the next thousand years ... "

Silvia Clemente probably trying to confuse people knowingly trying to convert subjectivity, interests and current realities in the past - not now same - a noun, so give moral legitimacy to what was once not even questioned because humans had not reached such a degree of ethical evolution. It is exactly what history has been left with "realities" such as slavery, the deification of Roman emperors or the consideration of women as an inferior creature man.

Lady Advisor, whether you want to feed its branches as it aims to continue from the administration to supply money to bullfighting should, especially considering the holding position of responsibility, to show more rigor and honesty, because their interpretation of the "social reality taurine can not identify with the" truth "when the truth is that every day more people reject that animals are subjected to such cruel torture. His first "defeat of Leningrad" has taken place in Catalonia as well as in many municipalities. Others come to crumble his dream of a millennium of blood, abuse and pain. "The Few" and less, are fans of the show brutal, not his detractors. Do not mistake the words please, because I do not think it is very convenient that puts their personal passions that exercise integrity policy requires.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Actress Black Hair Green Eyes

Geekzarre Inc. 2-back geeks-

Beautiful Girls, video games and linens. infallible formula to capture the attention of all readers. Well, with me it works ...

Not long ago, in those many nights of entertainment, where insomnia is stronger than the will, had left them here for the Blog, a nice pair of geek-themed music videos involved. That

into the titled "Geekzarre Inc". Clear Divet spoof videos that long ago a good friend left us Valcristh. can see this post in this link.

With Fandom Zone and guys , comes this music video which shows a very special party.

The film features several well-known figures of the freak scene. Such is the case of Amy Okuda (television actress, best known for her role in the series Online: The Guild ' ) Alessandra Torresani (Battlestar Galactica, The Sarah Connor Chronicles) and at the very Kunal Nayar (Raj in "The Big Bang Theory").

A delight not suitable for visual Embittered:

"Tonight I'm Frakking You"

The second video in question, had found long ago Digging in Blog Extra Life. This is "The Wii Did not Start the Fire."

Fun parody video "We Did not Start the Fire" by Billy Joel. Where makes a long journey through the world of videogames. Yes I wanted to know the history of electronic entertainment par excellence, this video sums it up in less than 5 minutes.

Greetings and I hope you enjoy!
Sendoshi "Alessandra Torresani this and wants to" Kurumada

Silver Wing Shiny Gold Donde Consigo

videos Amon Amarth - "True Viking War Music" -

In these days of epic battle with the University and in the midst of this brutal and bloody battle that approaches (where thousands fall and only a few will be worthy of Valhalla ) -meaning, you talk about the exams, "oddly gave me for giving metal music to relax (who would end up listening to Amon Amarth ). The turns of life gave me the opportunity to meet the group on the recommendation of two friends. One teammate Hideki good friend of the Temple. With you this excellent group of Death Metal:

Now I'm not very fond of Death, perhaps by some commercial situations surrounding the Black and Death Metal in the sense of the great production that lead from behind sometimes lose their identity. And the Lord said Alice Coopper, that black and death metal bands are amazing: "For each want to be more bad than the previous " yet this genre is not limited to this. and I have been hearing some well-known groups are not countries such as Russia, Denmark and of course Norway. But by far Amon Amarth left me with an excellent taste. They manage to make a Melodic Death Metal, the former North remembrante style only these guys can create.

I doubted because of the binding capacity with Melodic Death . Hard to imagine the brutal sounds of Death trying to be harmonic sounds epic in the style of Power Metal . Thus has been the same Melodic Metal.

But is talk about Metal Art. is the ability for true artists to make it out of the simple or business and try to make something out of the ordinary or, failing that it would be "normal" turns into something really pleasing to the ear. This is where the genius of some groups makes them worth listening to. That's where he started the romance of my person with Amon Amarth. Well after listening to not only several of his albums with a voice that makes you want to invade Rome, with sounds and excellent vocals, powerful guitars, without forgetting that all blends in perfection. It makes me think that one should not be closed for pre-concepts. In order to leave them a small review group and a couple of epic sounds.

Amon Amarth is a melodic death metal with Viking theme comes from the city of Tumba, Sweden in , formed in 1992. Its name means "Mount Doom" in Sindarin (one of the Elvish languages \u200b\u200bof Middle-earth created by JRR Tolkien . To which I said I was a satanic name, hence the ignorance of people).

Initially the band was name Scum in 1988 and was originally a grindcore band formed by Themgoroth (Dark Funeral ) Olavi and Ted. When Johan joined the band, this change your style to death metal. After the first demo in 1991, they changed their name to Amon Amarth in 1992. They recorded two demos, Thor Arise, in 1993, and The Arrival of Fimbul Winter, in 1994 self-released thousand units of the second, which managed to sell in less than twelve hours.

With the release of his album Once Sent From The Golden Hall in 1998, his popularity grew internationally and since then have taken several tours, have released three music videos and appeared in over one hundred journals.

of strong-held beliefs in Viking mythology, his entire discography revolves around this theme, which gives strength and consistency to their music. For this reason are sometimes misclassified as Viking Metal, a genre whose base is not black and death metal as is the case for these Swedes. I will comment that it is very difficult to say that certain bands are of a genre or another, I personally really no matter if Amon is Death or Black as in many forums and blogs mention it, probably because of its Viking theme, though not because Iron Maiden has such a lot about the epic and historic called "Alexander the Great" and therefore turned power metal or some kind of epic genre (if you can call).

Amon Amarth 100% recommended. Great band, great sounds and epic themes that make you say: "I have wanted to kick back to Viking."


• Johan Hegg - Vocals Ted
• Lundström - bajo
• Olavi Mikkonen - Guitar Johan Söderberg •
- Guitar
• Fredrik Andersson - bateria

Franky "Welcome to Valhalla Of Metal" CYBORG

Retirement Cartoons For Women

would like to share with you a letter to the editor, published in the print edition today Página/12. Whether by lack of expertise to search, not found in the online edition, so that the transcribed below. Its author, Mr. Juan Antonio Martinez, said the following:

I'm Catholic and I live in Caballito. From Kirchner's death I went to several churches in the neighborhood wanting a Mass to pray for the late President Nestor Carlos Kirchner. In all refused to enter the name and surname. I noted that it was a former president of the nation, but to no avail. The last one was a priest of the parish of Caacupé, who said he would appoint him as Nestor just because that had been baptized. Thus, none of the faithful know that it was the former president.                                                                                                 All this made me remember that the March 9, 1956 appeared in the Official Gazette a decree-law of civil-military dictatorship banned throughout the nation use, "whether isolated individuals or groups of individuals, associations ..., images, symbols, signs, meaningful expressions, doctrines, articles and artwork, such character or wishing they could be taken by someone like those belonging to or used by individuals or bodies representative of Peronism. " It was considered "especially in violation of this provision the use of the photograph, portrait or sculpture Peronist officials or their relatives, the shield and the Peronist banner, the name of the deposed president himself, of his relatives, the terms "Peronist", "Peronism", "PJ "" PJ, "" third position ", the abbreviation PP, dates exalted by the deposed regime, musical compositions" March of the Peronist Boys "and" Evita captain "and the speeches of the ousted president or his wife." One of the main goals of the Liberating Revolution Or shot? was "desperonización the country" speaking the CGT, destroying the symbols of Peronism and prohibiting The mere mention of the names of Perón and Evita. Turning to the denial of these parishes, I wish that when the Church honors its saints remembered as Santa Teresa Avila and Santa Rosa de Lima, and not as Teresa and Rosa. The question is: why can not pray for former President Nestor Carlos Kirchner? Is that the archdiocese still has the ban on naming the Peronist and their symbols? ".

So far, the letter of this gentleman. It itself has an eloquence to which we must not add anything we could do various analysis and reading about the attempt to abolish the name,. but I think it would only be possible intellectualized, and not about that, just a landmark: once the death has posed a shadow over us, what remains is the name. We become the name. I did not even clear whether Mr. Martinez is Kirchner, or Peronist. Clarifies the move: "I'm Catholic." It is a letter from a Catholic, a faithful , that is only closed when asking for something quite basic and common in the Catholic rite, something that is not denied to anyone because as a faithful, was asking for a actual action of God's order, and received replies worthy of Caesar. Martínez was not asking for something "political", but that in the Mass, I nominate, as any dead laying would pray.

Nobody said it better than Antonio Machado :

Oh, you are not my singing
I can not sing and I
the tree that Jesus
but who walked into the sea.

The Church does not condemn Von Wernich to consolidating and guaranteeing forgiveness torturers and murderers, the Church does Grassi predators to enjoy their freedom even when convicted, the Church demanded that its throwing Baseotto sea ministers to defend the use of condoms, Bergoglio church where their street gangs pointed to those Jesuits who were to be kidnapped. That Church will not accede to the request of pious prayer of a faithful, because they have made it clear that piety is not your thing .. But Mr. Martinez would say to try to make your request in another church: that of Mugica, Angelelli, the Pallottines, French nuns abducted by Astiz in the Church Santa Cruz De La Serna request one, or slum priests, or in the chapels of the working class neighborhoods, places where Jesus walked, I suppose, more comfortable than the luxurious halls of the curia.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Agitator By Diego River

taurine Recording dog torture

style Al Gore film but with real actors. An individual who calls himself "Lulu" has posted on its Web site, "Murderer Knin" videos that appear torturing puppies. Police are trying to catch this psychopath who describes step by step the process continues to kill the young, and it does give details as follows: "extended leg burns, ear and muzzle (the muzzle has been to test reflexes), broken forelegs, mutilation, salt in the wounds , sharps rectal penetration, physical abuse (11 hours total), including their own droppings intake (clarifies that all puppies have been killed in the terror defecated), mechanical asphyxiation, the practice of "Christ", breaking your shoulder blades and moving their feet to the opposite .... "

The filming of his blog shows that this and other equally horrific practices, or are bullying or survive only in the imagination of this miserable, but that has been carried out and also proud of his behavior. Enter your comments we can read: "Admire my movie, made with love and love for nature. Badajoz neighbors care that I'll get as his neglect it ...". Very recently, also in the capital Badajoz, appeared a braco tied to the railroad and beheaded the unfortunate creature had been rescued a few days earlier after a car dragged her tied to a cable. Many remember cases such as the "Catkiller Talavera "with its proud display of dead cats after stoning, the John side that took the lives of German Shepherd clubs, and many others in which animals are burnt alive, thrown from windows, dismembered, flayed, thrown Rivers tied to a weight, hung and stabbed ... seems to be no limit either in form or number for the most disgusting and extreme cruelty to these helpless cowards by drunken bloody sadism.

Of course the whole society with its political head, made similar laments and loathes them. Okay, let's believe them and acknowledge their pain and rejection are sincere ... Let's play make us idiots. Are you sure that's what you feel, I'm not well, the truth is that I did not drink, I do not mean to citizens, but those responsible for drafting the legislation that provides for the qualification for such acts and the penalty applies to them. Do you know of any case in Spain where only one of these criminals have gone to jail? I guarantee that and everything else, what they do is scratch his pocket to pay a fine. What credibility can offer so those who are merely exercising a moral condemnation not properly reflected in the law when it has power to do so?

Many of us are sick of the little theater that represent each time lawmakers have no choice but to publicly express their views on events as described. Tired of empty verbiage and cynical launching messages of respect, freedom, protection of our environment or peaceful coexistence, a whole lot of statements of intent that the blood of innocents is responsible for diluting and eventually apply only these principles when the victims are human beings - and not always -. Not raise but disgust to see how the model of social behavior speciesist sold to us as a pattern of conduct to follow, not just the animals were deprived of any fundamental right, but those who are mistreated or killed in such perverse actions are given veiled power and impunity for abuse on those things, because least in our country the Penal Code carries no deterrent effect whatsoever and is only personal ethics determines to be exercised or not as a torturer of animals.

The video attests to this atrocity should be served with breakfast for all who are competent drafting and implementing laws forcing them to see it, perhaps after the present do not show indifference and laxity with facing events of this nature. I know that the police are doing their best to find the torturer and murderer. And they will, but then what happens?, "Return home charged with animal abuse and a financial penalty? Under our current laws will. And if his act on a dog, a cat, a donkey or a calf is per se a sufficient reason to condemn the imprisonment of its author, we must remember that professional law enforcement, medical and workers social never tire of repeating and is taken into account in other countries - in Spain, as always, We despise the ready and the results from studies and statistics where not fit what we need - the history of cruelty to animals are present in most of the cases of violent behavior against people. Who have the stomach for it you see the images of the torturer "Lulu" and to reflect. Can be found on the Internet. Stay with the look of the puppy and if you hold some responsibility for the legal consequences of crimes such as this, I hope your image will pursue to the end of his days, or until you have the courage and decency to correct and understand that the criminal defines itself by its conduct and not according to the species of the victim.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Send Family Death Anniversary

Discovering the meaning of a comment

you do not know if they have occurred on occasion, I often feel the need to write, even if you have an issue that I convened specifically, or a single event which would testify. No, just this drive, this push, crashing against the white of the screen, and your satisfaction will be in the very act of writing, will be on the same tour that will end by defining its purpose: in fact, one does not seek, find. ;
risked a hypothesis: if so, it is because something claims to be said.
Leo, to the indispensable blog Eva Row, a story that moves me, and I highly recommend reading the link: story about the Holocaust, and affected families lost, found, hidden, where they were producing different ways through it and their outcomes, but all against a backdrop of horror, which made me write as a comment: "everyone does what he can with what you have on hand.
common phrase, if you will, resigned, perhaps too sympathetic to the limits, because it is there, in my commentary, somewhat dissonant: with what you have on hand. So what have I delivered, without intending to-value judgments about the attitudes of the story? Why be an extremely tragic situation, this strange and banal "by hand"? What may in this context, the "hand"?
We then find the way back. When I read the text, I thought Eva's father having an excess of suffering compared with that of Rita: having hidden, unrecognized, his daughter Golde, who had survived the horror, having yielded to the request of his new wife waive this paternity. Eva's father had given up doing all of this whole tragic fate was in his hand, also be the father of Golde.
That debt was paid with pain and depression.
is specified, so the meaning of the phrase. But we still might be waiting for something more, and see what other ways have been leading us to this point, and converge: days ago in the excellent blog Dormidano friend, we had a chance to read that the governor justified Salta death of some children of native peoples for their refusal cultural to go to hospital where blog authors had found other reasons, and in Pagina 12, the stories of a judge (Miret, collaborator) and a priest (Mijalchyk, informer), people with power and influences in their respective places, which may restrain the murderous folly of the torturers, did what was "within reach of his hand" to swell the criminal feast.
At first we said that one does not look, but it is, and if so, is because there is something that demands to be told. In the Freudian unconscious is not necessary to be guilty for experiencing this feeling. To be sure, the criticisms that has addressed himself the subject who writes these lines, for not writing anything about the deaths of José León Suárez, still in his hand to do so, have caused this writing .

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ulnar Nerve Entrapment Exercises

Vigozoo, where deficiencies have not

does not meet applicable European standards, but is still open. We talked about Vigozoo, an example of how when politicians are behind some irregularity here still works to the gallery the "ya, but is ..." and "is not what it seems." And on top of the victims that the failure affects are irrational animals impunity is served, because they can not not even be expressed through the mechanisms established for that purpose by humans. Helplessness is pure.

Our smiling Councillor Chus Lago, the climber who has topped the highest peaks of speciesism - see their attitude to the Organization Cat Project - says Vigo Zoo "is a reference to the state level." What is not clear is whether it is a paradigm worth or what nefarious. She will undoubtedly try to convey that represents a positive archetype, but the uncompromising reality persists in denying the statements of the mayor.

And the facts are more difficult to disguise that the statements it is enough to see how after being granted to the Detention Center animals within one to six months to submit the supporting evidence of the improvements required - and this for almost a year - still has shortcomings such as a proper quarantine service, lack of conditioning grazing area, which remains closed, or the fact of keeping animals in isolation is essential for group living.

However, the Ministry for Rural Affairs, has had no problem in renewing the authorization to open this exhibition dedicated to display a collection of enclosed living for some people to enjoy with that travesty of wild creatures. And if it is very sad not only unfair, that some animals were deprived of freedom, customs and environment that rightfully belong, is even more despicable to be kept prisoner, and legally, in a space that does not meet until the last point the law governing it.

sensitivity or respect for the welfare of nonhuman animals are values \u200b\u200bthat rarely can we expect from politicians, but because these women and men do not shake the conscience to know that there are beings imprisoned without having committed any crime any, should at least show the decency to respect scrupulously the rules in force and until it is well, do not give as good and valid it is not just another displays of selfishness and cynicism of certain leaders. Besides a mockery of the public.