Monday, January 31, 2011

Similar Models Like Denise Milani

politicians deny freedom to Susi, the sick elephant in the classroom

"Entities dedicated to educating people about animals, conservation of these creatures and the preservation of species." This is a generic definition of the term Zoo, but if we refer to Barcelona could not use it on pain of falling in stupidity or bad faith, because to do so, the similarity between the word and its meaning, would be the same compare the result of a Guantanamo Penal recreational center social.

In this place that is not what it purports to be, living day to day Elephanta Susi his death. And I do, his death, because since Alicia in 2008 killed the same for both wanted and they cut with a chainsaw in front of her leaving a night together at the mutilated remains, their existence is torn between loneliness which was doomed after the cruel loss of his playmate, the sadness that we speak their continuous stereotyped behaviors and serious illnesses that are afflicted, among other reasons caused by the ingestion of plastic containers. Susi and separate captive in the same place is Yoyo, another elephant ordered to pay to end his days a high price for belonging to a different species than human.

Jordi Portabella, ERC President of the Municipal Group in the city of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bmade a motion to Susi and Yoyo were moved to a shelter where day release, would spend the rest of his days accompanied by copies as and served them well. The proposal also included the Lord Portabella which discontinued the elephants as examples to be displayed in a zoo, a measure that reason and invite sensitivity in a society that gives them advanced and concern for their environment, given the profound physical and psychological abuse that involves animals remain deprived of space, relationships and behaviors of those that enjoy being free and that they are most needed.

One day before this initiative was voted, Mr. Ignasi Cardelús, President of the Barcelona Zoo, he summoned the media to offer his version of events, an exhibition that contained several false statements demonstrable and poured in an attempt to confuse people, because no manager, no matter how unfortunate it is his work, he likes to come to light irregularities or negligence in its management, or even when, as in this case, has living victims of their excesses. And remember that irresponsibility and illegality have no holding hands because, when unfortunately the law does not generally lag behind social reality, but that conduct is not punishable not exempt it from moral conviction, and in fact often these contradictions that throughout history have led to changes occurring in the Standard. The tragedy is that for many defenseless creatures marked by these changes come late in the case of Sue, or social demand occurs with the consequent immediate official response or your name will join the long list of victims of such indifference and neglect.

Cardelús The Lord said the two elephants were born in captivity. That was the first of his lies, as the two came into this world in the wild. Susi did in 1963 and Yoyo in 1968. He also indicated that the City of Barcelona is not competent to decide whether these animals may or may not be transferred to a sanctuary, since according to him who has the authority to determine it is an International Coordinator of the Network of European zoos. There we met his second fallacy is that when Barcelona Zoo a public body is the City Council only has authority over it. In addition, the Network, whose name is EAZA, no more than the European Association of Zoos and Aquariums, a private entity whose terms are in no way can be higher than those emanating from municipal areas in a situation like this.

Cardelús The Lord also said that the two elephants are separated for a year and a half because the two had spent long periods alone. Third slander as "uninformed" President, because he lived with Alicia Susi until March 2008 and Yoyo did with Eve. Anyway, never imposed isolation is a successful adaptation for a species that needs to engage with their peers and demonstrates the fact that elephants have come to pass in zoos to ten years in solitude, have become accustomed to the change immediately when they have been returned to the situation that should never be uprooted: individuals living with his group.

do not know to what extent this cruel farce media conducted by the head of the Barcelona Zoo has influenced the municipal vote of the Commission on the Environment, but the reality is that the motion has fallen through and that both Susi, in a state almost terminal, as Yoyo, be followed held in that place for them means no more than estrangement, pain and sadness. And after them come other elephants, because neither has been achieved with the votes that these beings are no longer simple amusement rides. Perhaps, some when they opted for the rejection of the initiative have not stopped to reflect on the scope of its decision, or perhaps have done so, but whether you have done or not aware of what his decision meant, what shockingly sick about that unhappy elephant has turned to fall a decision to remain in his cell, and this time, issued by some women and men who are filling the mouth talking about rights and freedom.

The Mayor of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bin a display of cynicism, said to be scientists and not politicians who make a decision about the future of Susi. Anyone who listen to such a statement might seem consistent, but certainly not the same impression at the sight of a couple of circumstances that speak volumes about the true scope as Regidor, given the findings of dedicated individuals to study these creatures. The first is that God never said Jordi Hereu mail Dr. Joyce Poole requesting an appointment, an eminence in research on African elephants in both wild and in captivity in zoos and circuses and leading dedicated three decades. It also ignored the letters in the last two years has been submitted by experts as the ethologist and professor at the University of Colorado Mark Bekoff, or professors Robert Atkinsson and Peter Stroud. All those tried in vain to convey their impressions of the behavior against nature and tremendous injustice that was perpetrated against Susi.

The second piece that sheds light on the role that really gives the Mayor to science in the care of animals is given by the abhorrent fact that as Director of the Barcelona Zoo has put not a scientist, which thanks to their training and experience know what is best for animals, but a lawyer, Mr. Miquel Trepat, which comes from no less than the Prison Service. In any case, it must be recognized that the Lord Hereu hit in that appointment, because despite its statements in the press, the truth is that this zoo is just a miserable prison for creatures such as Susi and Yoyo, and therefore seems most logical that a professional who struggled in prisons takes its direction, as episodes like the one in question leave no room for doubt: the welfare ranks last in the range of values responsible for the Zoo.

While certain politicians and their minions strategically placed in positions such as the detention center, trying to give the public his face more environmental and conservationist, Susi, unknowingly, has been closed which probably meant the last door to freedom, which would lead not only to a place where it could regain some of what one day was stolen, but also to delay a slow death every day that passes in its current confinement, has launched a new bite to his bowels inflicting suffering which can never make us share his voice, but it is enough to look their eyes to discover.

Association released animals!, In collaboration with other groups, has long fought for this elephant have to stop the torture he is subjected by selfishness and thoughtlessness of certain human beings, and although we know that we can never get rid of the terrible injuries that accompany a past punctuated by physical and psychological troubles that job after his release is intended that the time remaining life, can enjoy what the recovering nature demands. Because an elephant is not ready to be displayed in a limited space, or to lack co-species, or to throw objects or treats him children. And Susi, enclosed, single and very weak, eats bags of crisps being thrown, eat excrement, suffering blackouts, endless swings his trunk and head, legs kicking and languishes while probably in his brain like scenes his partner Alicia murdered by operatives of the Zoo, go engulfing the increasingly distant memories of his days of freedom in Africa.

these elephants will never know how close we were to leave this hell. I would have gotten if carried the motion by the Mr. Portabella, so if the campaign would be FREE! Susi had opened the eyes of some politicians about the cruelty that is treating this animal. But no, when power and folly live in the same being, the result is that for that person not have the inaudible prayers for the victims, nor the pride lets you hear the voice of those who lend it to those who do not. So Susie and Yoyo will continue for now imprisoned in the Barcelona Zoo. But something can be sure that they have decided: that despite this defeat with tragic consequences we will not forget them, nor will point out, with names, incompetence and the falsity of the guards of these poor creatures.


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