Monday, December 27, 2010

Reheating Fried Chicken

Jose Pablo Feinmann words

Dear (much) Jose Pablo Feinman:
You wrote in Book I of the "Critique of Reason Imperial "this passage: " ... One of the great achievements of the communications revolution has been used to the horror of the story. We can be doing anything, be anywhere, and we'll see on TV or on the cover of a newspaper some atrocious image. Or children who die of hunger or Saddam Hussein about to be hanged or tortured in Abu Ghraib Guantánamoo. We will continue with ours. At best, it is thought, then looks better and more calmly on the Internet. But the Internet is the death of emotion. It is the realm of homelessness. No one stops at nothing. Is an infinite navigation toward a goal unattainable and unknowable in the midst of a virtual universe within which means nothing nothing. This sleight of meaning, this flattening of all that exists ("everything is on the Internet"), the impossibility of constructing truths in a world that stifles all the information, to get from one place to another, with the vertigo senseless links, is the essence of homo internet, and that no one be fooled by the solidarity networks that incontinence or solitary subjectivities are blogs. All this is short. Humans are born to communicate with each other's presence (or, indeed, this communication is richer than the virtual), eye contact and touch and even smell his breath. "
Sometimes you is authorized to disagree with whom he admires, will perhaps a good sign, because, after all, from his place, can recognize that the Other, that in capital letters, it has its flaws, its holes, its human inconsistencies, at least from the perspective of those who may feel challenged by his words. And finally, for that matter, whether you, a teacher in their role to remove the nest of thought, like mine, a reader trying to be disobedient. Because at the very moment when I become a reader obediently went to the devil (the discourse of power, we need to) their efforts and mine.
One time I had the pleasure of listening to, and briefly interact with you, under Nation of Coffee Culture in the old Cosmos cinema, where we, among many things, from media companies. I was there with my eldest son, two generations sharing with you and many others, that magical moment of a meeting of people stripping their thinking, daring to go a step further stimulated by what was being created collectively, both Inside this room, like on the outside of the country that is forging (Scalabrini and Jauretche tribute to, advisers in this forging).
I have, therefore, an invaluable reminder of the meeting, as meetings Open Letter to the ground to attend, many of them an invitation to thought. But I beg to differ, or perhaps even that, but to open a parenthesis on that communication is not made face to face, such as blogs, the Internet domain assholes.
My humble Franciscan blog, read by very few people probably born, like many others, between 2008 and 2009, children of the attempt destituyente of agri-business, media and political representatives. We were born to support a government that had been proposed to recover such thing infamously swiped from the blood of the missing, the state's role, the idea of \u200b\u200bsolidarity as a social pillar, the culture of laburo. With our few virtues and defects excessive, we, within a predominantly adverse class (those with access to computers) the possibility to think that there is a version of reality differs from that of the concentrated media, when there was much more eco than Página/12 6 7 8 and some radio programs. I disagree with the concepts of death in the realm of emotion and homelessness. Each of us read many others, writes with many nuances , enormously rich in its diversity. The excitement and ideas moving, are threaded, merge and split up to meet again. Generate, mobilize, encourage the feeling and thinking. I'm not saying this in no way replace the "face", but it is only a solitary habit indulgent . Many of those writing on their blogs are real activists, people who leave their job duties and are to follow in their games (I should clarify that it is not my case) They also are jerks who have a blog? I do not deserve so forceful a statement. And for not doing so tedious, a reference to the issue of information: although it is not absent from the blogs, the question occurs to me is more about the collective construction of a look, a fact that information itself. And if something should be stressed here is two words: collective construction, construction of meaning to architecture from the exchange, and will form part of the baggage with which daily to discuss who the country and the country we dream.
Finally, a teacher, I greatly appreciate his provocative words, because they are at the root of many others who write, trying, despite our limitations, to be subjects where we expected manipulated as objects.
With the greatest respectfully, greeted him warmly.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Covering Letter For Culinary

A Salute to My Friends Bloggers

Dear Fellow Bloggers:

We are now in the final days of a year that has taken us from the great joy of the Bicentennial to the heartbreaking grief over the death of Nestor Kirchner ; the year that the Universal for Child became a great help to the needy, but at the same time, being a sine qua non for vaccination and education, also requires break the transfer generational inheritance of social exclusion. That is, in addition to alleviate the hunger of today, they can generate future.
was also the year of the enactment of the Equal Marriage Act, another way to better our society, to go baring their hypocrisy, to break the influence of religious morality, bigoted, medieval, excluding of different.
a year where there has been perhaps the most important and significant news in decades: the return of youth to think and act role of politics: the year in which death brought the revival of the ideals, the outbreak a thousand flowers.

The onslaught of the right wild, violent, senseless that we are suffering these days, may constitute the clearest sign yet that is the right path. I have no argumentative capacity, not even counting the formidable arsenal of available media. So the bitterness, so the violence.

Dear colleagues, despite the worries, concerns, of provocation, this project is popular, we continue going after utopias, and that success is achieved, but to never stop pursuing them.

I send a big hug


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Managerial Report Legal Report

Arms in the hands of hunters

who requests a gun license can do so for various reasons: because of their profession, such as a policeman, with the intention to protect themselves in case of assault, such is the case of a jeweler, or to kill, now talking about a hunter. All were granted, but what the reason for the request implies no suitability, or not, mental and even ethics applicant to possess a pistol or a rifle? Let me explain.

all understand that members of security forces carrying a weapon, or making certain merchants for their particular risk, and almost never hear that people have others used to commit a crime. It is important to emphasize that I am referring to armed habitual criminals, but citizens who decide to shoot a bad day against humans.
But now we count how many killings and murders are committed with hunting weapons, or whatever it is, whose author is a hunter. The latter, which occurred in Olot, probably occupied by the number of victims, along with the Left in Puerto Hurraco Brothers, one of the top places in a vast and sinister in our country list, which lists cases of settlement of accounts vendettas, neighborhood disputes and labor or so-called crimes of "gender violence".
Yes, I know which is required to pass a test psycho, but it seems that this test is critical to detect certain tendencies in the applicant, otherwise returning to the hunter and Olot, is not intended to keep his license current weapons when it was known their rowdiness and many nights out on the street dressed as sheriffs and actually behaving as if it were. And this man is not an isolated case, have the newspaper reported in numerous reviews when it was hopeless, people remembered the threats and violent behavior maintained over time by the individual would end up shooting his hunting weapon against another person.

Why should, then so lax when it should be very strict requirements they put in the hands of a subject as an instrument for killing distance? The answer is, once again, money. Or hunters think they have to jump into the mountain to get food, let alone for skin that shelter, so it is nothing more than a niche market in which a greedy, consumers, amounts spent nothing negligible equipped to end the life of animals, and others, merchants of arms and ammunition, specialized clothing, dogs, vehicles and trailers, taxidermists, owners of boxes, etc., are profiting from everything that moves the deaths of these creatures. For government is far more profitable electorally appear as supporters of what they call "wealth generation" to precede common sense and ethics to legislate greater rigidity to minimize the risk of foreseeable tragedies, not "fatalities" as they should call them.

A past with greater purchasing power for many citizens prompted the number of rifles increased to such an extent that some people with the excuse to use for hunting in their homes have numerous weapons - not always declared -. And while that happens to hunters laws have remained unchanged in certain safety standards, such as the ban on shooting at a distance less than 50 meters from a road and 100 meters from a village core, that if long ago, when a gun had a very limited scope, could provide a minimum guarantee today are completely useless, taking into account the specifications of modern weapons.

Beyond cases like those, in which the hunting gun deaths are intentional, daily news is the existence of so-called "accidents", from the passerby who receives a lethal shot in the head while walking through the woods, the shot that goes inside a restaurant which is celebrating a feast, through impacts on houses built. And in many of these events, the place where the missile hit their target was located hundreds of feet from where the hunt was taking place, which gives a good account of how the law seems more accurate to use a slingshot to the rifles currently used for hunting. Appropriate law in this regard would greatly reduce the shocking number of accidents of this nature that occur in our country.

Anyway, what is irrefutable is that he asks a gun license to hunt is suing to kill living beings, and that claim would constitute per se an impediment to obtain it, as if you squeeze the trigger on an animal for pleasure it's something evil, we must add the certainty - amply demonstrated and documented by psychiatrists and criminal histories - that is common to find episodes of violence to animals in the history of individuals who then exerted against persons. And who is emotionally and morally stable, with an aptitude for possessing a weapon, no one wants to take to kill and to do so because they find satisfaction in snatching a life. Who wearing paramilitary clothes, shows arrogance and bluntness, is carried forward to living beings from other species, mistreats his dogs and that whole universe becomes violent in his indispensable pastime, is offering undeniable evidence of his lack of conditions to have weapons, but the reality is that it is precisely that type of person who requests a license to possess and who is granted. At that moment he is committing negligence, no matter how legal it is with the current rules, which not infrequently lead to a drama.

For these reasons, beyond the usual hunting pieces, in Spain are rotting bodies of countless hunting dogs killed by their owners or others with whom they held some kind of rivalry, of horses, and the province of Pontevedra is a sad example of the dozens of horses with hunting ammunition lodged in his body, or human beings who were shot by one day their paths crossed a hunter. The new law, which opposed the riflemen fierce resistance, perhaps to ease the hurt, but it will not stop bleeding, it will not through a bureaucratic procedure while anyone can get a type D or E license to kill animals. And yes, the human being is also an animal. Maybe that's why some do not distinguish when they shoot.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Aaron Diaz

Since I first read it, there was a sentence of Macedonio Fernandez struck me deeply, "will be so substantial as to enter the field, and yet it is another thing" . After all, long or short you will think, that phrase rubs dangerously true. And we say "slash" with an intention devoid of ingenuity, the truth is something that always occurs at a loss, the truth is leaving traces, we could say, "no such" no "the" truth as a point of arrival but rather would be seen as possible, re-released over and over again, that the ship comes to port, yes, but to come out. Another thing, I fear, be called religion, and not ours ...
Another way of saying, is that in relation to the truth, always walk in the surrounding area.
"That's why we prefer, as so often, and brazenly using the old code of the police edicts," prowl around, "for allegedly skirting outside of what has happened in the pompous and undeservedly called "Park" American Indian and shared with friends that patients read, some thoughts which, if achieved, should become the questions.
A first thought is that this does not happen in the center of tourism in the area of \u200b\u200binterest, white with well-stocked wallet, but on the periphery: in the vicinity. That is, this "possibility of control", to call in some way, you can take in neglected surroundings, where the "dress up as possible" is law, and not in the center illuminated by the flashes of tourists, friendly face of la Reina del Plata.
For example, we talk about the invasion of public space, in this case, a "park." If this place is so called, it to an abuse of language, abandoned, neglected, is published by the mere fact of not being "private property" , but not because the city government has held him (and maintained) decently as a recreational space for " neighbors. " Is this the definition of the public holding (forgive the oxymoron) the thought of the engineer? Interesting
has been seen in the media construction of reality, the role of neighbors. " Neighbors: here is a prolific significant, we could say, privileged, the macrismo. From the topological From the point of Given the locations, would be tempted to suppose as a grouping by proximity, to share a geography bounded, with identity elements, for example, "inhabitants of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires."
Is it? Our hypothesis is that, neighbor for macrismo is a fundamental building revolves primarily around private property. The neighbor with all the letters, is the owner. The tenant, if you can pay your rent, not "fall" category, but not worth a full member. And yet it is a further distinction: it has the same rating a neighbor the area north of the city to one of the south.
Following this simple scheme, the government is not lying when he says PRO governing for the neighbors, in fact, be more accurate to say that you do not mind in the least fortunate of those who do not qualify for the vecinazgo. In any case, those considered debased neighbors south are useful in both the excluded can oppose them. Any resemblance to a zombie movie is not accidental.
But there is another possible reading: this sort of word-PRO logo, the one that never fails to comment on any of his speeches, is arguably also a form of marking, to unveil its own limits: the Macri is a neighborhood party, which may eventually enjoy the support of the Buenos Aires disturbingly volatile electorate, but can not, per se, go much further. These neighbors have been presented by the media as a justification for violence, like other poor fighting poor. . But We talk about the same poverty when we refer to the owner or tenant of an apartment with formal employment, social work, a pension contribution that the excluded who rent a miserable piece for five or more persons in a village, hopefully tickets are malnourished, lacking everything that we consider basic living? Obviously, the answer is no, we are talking about lower middle class people, or even lower, which has been pushing to face exclusion, to the point of having imported violent groups to promote the idea of \u200b\u200bmass violence, and spontaneous. The reality is that after the appeal to xenophobia by Macri, attempt to frighten the bourgeois on what we know leads, and that the language of the media is Slippage occurred "occupation" to the much more suggestive of "taking", claims even more worthy of consideration, the vast majority of genuine locals are not joined in the production of violence . The most radical of the "neighbors", inspired by a Head of Government ever wondered what happen to him all these things, call for train filled with dark-skinned foreigners headed north. Some small groups have been very determined, firing shots, or throwing stones, and follow them: they are "defending their neighborhood." And here comes a disturbing issue: the ease of transmission violence. It is a classic figure of hooligan as a shock force employable in any segment of society that has sufficient economic power or ability to influence and impunity enjoyed by the common consensus and unanimous in their rejection, but if the show (and target) warranted, becomes "neighbor who defends his neighborhood." What are the social antibodies do not fall into these situations? ; ;                                                         This has created a contagion effect, various pockets where they occupy land dispossessed demanding solution to their housing problems. It is, in the racist language that has cooker, "the invasion of the blacks", "plan rest", the "come here because they do nothing and give them benefits." Repeater serial Both chattering by Hence, venting their anger, will there ever think that those times that longs, which could travel abroad because a weight was one dollar, this event is to be paid beginning in 2001? Has it ever occurred to you that the "branch line for, branch that closes" that so much admiration caused, decreed the end of the rail, and with it the death of countless people and forced migration? Had everything in terms of "public opinion" regarding this issue. In the xenophobes are not going to talk specifically, but are included in the register of violent and have not moved from his home, simply by its ability to generate hostile climates, site preparation leading to a "do country, kill a ball! " , think we are more interested in other cases, those good people, working people, which, while not going great hardship, it is not in an enviable position in the chain of consumption: One consequence of this false "poor against the poor" who have sought to install, has the subtlety of injustice "to them, they hold, you will be given a house, and me, I rent xxx years ago, do not give me nothing ... " I have some questions beyond the CABA housing plans in local government does not implement, Should not banks provide home loans to people who have a formal job, and deal with the state of those needs of the most vulnerable ? There is a bill that financial reform has raised in this regard, but has not seen much enthusiasm in supporting their implementation, ie may have to think also that when a law cajonea can redirect credit there is some degree of responsibility to get to this type of situation, or in the case of employers who pay part of wages in black and thus prevent an already qualify for in itself sparsely property loans. How many of the voices we hear daily convictions are actively involved in the production of these realities?
The issue of exclusion is a problem that will take years to reverse, and in my opinion, is a priority today all state welfarism possible to incorporate the system, there is another possibility here, and, I fear, your benefits will not be verified but the children of those who have been completely expelled from the system. But also requires that we, citizens, "neighbors", we seek to understand phenomena in their complexity, and we are not only the repetitive discourse of love.
surely have many more issues that are "around" issues like these, questions that remain hidden, hidden behind those truths canned pack sold us, in any case, the important thing is to always remember to stick around the periphery of the issues, because there are usually found some fragments of Indeed, if there are invaluable treasure.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Reverse Convertible Bonds

Around Chau Subject of History, hello Subject

Hi, I tell them that I decided to change the name of the author, who from now will read as "Subject" , both in written and published in comments made.

The explanation is this: being a psychologist and psychoanalyst, I have always avoided writing " from " conceptual those places, because in any case, it also meant limited to them.
is, one writes from the training they had, but freedom of choosing a much broader view.

And the writer is always a subject.

For all the above, had chosen not to be Subject of the Unconscious, or subject of the signifier, but I took the name "Subject of History" without sticking strictly to the concept Hegel, only that we denote the intersection of discourses, facts, history, individual, family, collective. Subject restrained, determined, but in constant struggle against what it determines, subject to "do" history.
Now, I've decided to start studying for a literature degree, hold "Subject of History" is impossible, for reasons of consistency and exposed, which is why from now, bye Subject History, Subject hello.

take this opportunity to greet and thank them for their patience and good input.

Is Herstyler Or Jose Eber Best?

Dogs poisoned, a repetitive crime

The death of dogs in Galicia, majority owned by hunters, after ingestion of baits poisoned in the mountains is becoming a grim routine. And it is disheartening to see how often never find those guilty of crimes so cowardly, a fact not surprising given the limited resources devoted to investigate actions of this nature when the victims are irrational animals.

I read in a newspaper as a result of overwhelming case the statements of a gunsmith that, very sorry, claimed to have lost for this reason six dogs in 2009 and four in 2010. The following reflection that the distressed hunter threw the journalist was: "15,000 euros had cost me the last year and 9,000 of those in this"

For a moment I was stunned by the swiftness with which his sentence was transformed in accounting estimates, however, when I guessed the reason for this astonishing change log at the root of their concerns: that someone was talking about was probably the following weekend kill a living thing instead of barking growl and that would cost thousands of euros, but only the value of a pair of cartridges.

The sunday 4x4 with trailer - cage, cartridge belts and gun, are people just for fun with animal life without feeling the slightest compassion, by contrast, gives them pleasure. In this aspect, and analyzing it from the ethics of their behavior, are different from those that spread food with poison to kill dogs? Just do it on the legality of the action because in the end, the consequences in both cases are identical for a living. A fact is miserable and lawful, the other prohibited and miserable.

Maybe that's why I called attention to read that manages the possibility that the bleeding of dogs respond to rivalries among hunting societies. I know enough to really want their dogs, but their love is so peculiar and sometimes harmful sick, but many are conceived as mere tools. In any case, what bleak fate of dogs from the fans to put lead in organs outside, doomed as they are to be discussed between poisoned bait, wild boar tusks, traps, hanging, shooting, well, kennels ... A panorama an eternal stench of death, because is precisely that which the friends of the rifle move and naturalized trophy. I hope that the perpetrators of the poisoning are identified and serving a sentence of imprisonment, they do not deserve a lighter sentence.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Cruise For 40 Somethings

Patronato del Toro's stunning de la Vega University

The Board of the Toro de la Vega de Tordesillas , confess "feeling increasingly admired for the courageous compliments its popular bullfighters plasma fields, streets and squares", by what they have organized a new edition of "Grand Prix 2010 Value Trust People Torero." This grim Foundation for those who do not know, says there to ensure knowledge, promotion and defense of what they call their "Immemorial Tournament, consisting of hundreds of individuals, spear in hand, pursue and round up a bull until you get to kill him after a walk through with their pikes and again. They have even created a "College Lancers", considering that this show has to be preserved at all costs.

But back to the philosophy that permeates these awards, because its members not only boast every year from an unconscious sadism and gratuitous violence inconceivable raising the status of doctrine, but with this cast of awards are also rewarding behaviors that violate the regulation of bullfighting of Castilla La Mancha . Now, analyzing the first-place award at the "Value People Torero", how when the wickedness and folly go hand in hand the result is something as deplorable as this:

The four winners are designated as Valonsadero boys (Soria). In the image that perpetuates the "epic" taken in an open field, referred to the forefront three of them, standing and calling the bull, while the fourth remains at your side, but tucked into a shopping cart. The regulation, article 10, concerning the Protection of participants states: "Participants are prohibited from carrying active volunteers or useful objects that can harm the animals or disrupt the smooth development of the show"

course, that self-satisfied members of the board passed the rule by lining of their tradition and do so arrogantly expressed as follows: "Despite the regulation Popular bullfights, our bullfighting is not to invent new sets ... Three brave bullfighters accompany a fourth pilot test ... to see if the widget resist rush ... Value, science, empiricism, greatly virtues manifested in the sacred valley Soriano and moved to the Jury Board to award the first prize very happy. "

What if public tribute to an association that would lead someone talking on the phone, or a motorcycle without a helmet, or who threw the subway tracks when it comes into the station? Yeah, I know, we're in Spain and bulls when it comes to almost anything goes, from converting their agony into a popular attraction to feeding suicidal behavior.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Facebook Nadine Jansen

Thanks for another joy

Until victory always, RED

I'm from the era of Bochini and Bertoni, so I appreciate this victory

Friday, December 3, 2010

Graphing Combinations

Transformations and Equilibria

If you believe in the balance the right balance                                                                                                 If you do not believe in delirium, ; Si no en creyera La Esperanza ...
La Maza, Silvio Rodríguez

seven years ago, when an unknown Patagonia, skinny, lanky and with enough warm mixture and awkward to get between people and injured with a camera (what a foretaste of what was to come: hurting with a camera ...) assumed the presidency of the nation, I believe that no one imagined how the country transformed.
We do not need, at this point, the list of measures of government that have promoted the social, political, economic and cultural development is underway in Argentina, but rather we would stop briefly at some nodal points, we believe, the whole practice Kirchner, who have taken the position that found.
Designing politics as the perfect environment for conflict resolution, it is absolutely united in the conviction not to criminalize social protest. If we remember previous governments (Menem, Duhalde, De la Rúa ) in which the policy was simply the executive arm of economic power, criminalization of social protest was a rule: given a single speech, the market, those who resisted was liable to enforcement, either the diabolical "that branch, branch closing, or the grossest, the denting of the stick ideologies. I think it unnecessary to emphasize that we are not talking of mere ideological disputes, but of exclusion, unemployment, violence, death, hunger. Real, concrete, brutal.
Now, how to approach the size of Conflict? (All possible transformation engine) : appealing to Balance. Broadly speaking, risk and grossly illustrate: the workers discuss with employers their income on joint negotiations, but in turn, the state offers companies several benefits: anti-dumping, consumer promotion, etc, in a circle that is reviving the economic circuit. The government, for a role of active intervention in economic life, but tending to a more equitable distribution of wealth. What is far? Yes, undoubtedly. But, already started, yes, too. A better example of balance? Universal Allowance for Child (AUH) is not, as intended his detractors-a gift, but financial assistance to the needy, with one condition: that of compulsory vaccination and education, that is, the sine qua non to receive it is to use the tools universally valid to leave the state of exclusion, health and education, a brilliant synthesis of the dialectic of rights and obligations, and intergenerational solidarity: the benefit, subject to that requirement, that future generations will have more and better prepared to face the challenges of life: cut the vicious circle of marginalization, nothing more, nothing less.
Of course, if we move this small store of concepts (equilibrium, conflict, solidarity, tolerance) to other fields, we would find, from Human Rights to the emergence of issues such as democratization of audiovisual communication, or from the historic achievement of gay marriage and unquestionably essential to the decriminalization of abortion, there are many issues that have fallen pregnance strong paradigms. The Baldwin has unleashed forces and social dynamics that go far beyond their ability to use, plus there is added: the emergence of youth taking their place in history, after a lethargy induced by the numbing of consciousness. not a minor detail, absolutely , and intensified significantly by the "untimely" death always Nestor Kirchner: his legacy has been to pursue the militancy, not to come to power to forget the ideals .
is then in this context and with the numerical need to add that I wonder, not without some anguish, for disturbing little impact they have had the tragic deaths of a city Qom (or tuff ) and a police officer in a conflict on "private property" which has united the interests of the provincial political power, judicial power, the police and the power and influence of landowners. The aforementioned "little impact" has been exhibited both in national government, such as the various groups that participate in Kirchner, and paradoxically, have had on our blogs derided some of the more explicit sentences like "I clarify, among many others interesting bloggers-analysis can be read on the blog of Daniel Mancuso friend, or in the Guillermo (all with wire) , which I play very similar points to those who are proposing here.
We are on the verge of an election year, moreover, choice National Executive.
is more than clear the need for Kirchner, embodied in the conduct of Cristina Fernandez, to articulate a policy frontage, in which, as is obvious from the heterogeneity of ideological and party memberships, the assembly is not something simple. Arguably, from every source from the front, there will be "snitches" to swallow, which is neither more nor less than the price of diversity, but I trust the opinion of our leaders to maintain this delicate balance.
However, away from everything "purism" (which could never compete with some friends from an inflexible thinking left), is imposed upon us the question about the limits should have the space, because in the process of power accumulation sum for, they will also empowering, or at least , preserving it if you already had, the Insfran, justice slope, common interests with the owners of the land. In short, the denial of what we used to hold. The as clearly as we can: intuit more we know about the enormous difficulties and complexities of governing, but also with humility, petitions for guys like Insfran not part of this project could tranquilamente perder algunos votos, pero lo que no podemos, ni debemos, es dejar afuera nuestras convicciones: inclusión, equilibrio, dignidad, equidad.  Acá hablamos de  represión y muerte, no de simpatías políticas, y además, tenemos una enorme obligación con los jóvenes que tomarán la posta mañana: un capital que vale mucho más que el del poroteo: el de seguir creyendo que la política es la condición necesaria para la  liberación, y el de sentir este compromiso ético con la vida, que los hizo acercarse.