Saturday, October 23, 2010

Stream South Park On Iphone

Violence (s)

Great sadness. That feel for the murder of a 23 year old boy, following his ideals, he paid with his life for his generosity militant. Laburantes died in solidarity with victims of injustice was at the hands of a gang hired by a rich union chief, to maintain this privilege. As we have been lobbying for many years: trial and punishment of murderers, thugs and bosses. Justice.
Justice, respect and remembrance are the only living things that we can offer the dead, at least if you missed any of them to this kid named Mariano Ferreyra.
But I will not speak of this crime, and many friends on their blogs have done so with depth and commitment.
some days had been thinking about writing about violence, about the different ways that cobra, its different degrees of visibility and therefore its impact: some facts rather than published, displayed in the media, serve as traps for the look, if I may: the eye-catching. These are the issues that drew attention, the point targeting that we are driven, they are part of everyday reality show, things which will be discussed at the dinner table, in the office, on the street.
The use of the word "show" is not random or innocent: it looks from the outside, while not involved, directing their gaze on what the other. A crime story like this boy unleashes the cannibal feast, his picture lying on the floor, having lost control of his bowels, repeated at every moment, it became the representation of disrespect, desecration of the body such as eye catchers above to be consumed cannibalistic.
Is this not perhaps another form of violence? because there are many other violence, an infinite, they are silenced, whisked away to the eye. There is violence, too much violence, the unspoken: those that occur in the home environment, many battered women, abused children, the networks trafficking, pedophiles with or without basements. Precarious work, abuse, exploitation, discrimination by skin color, by educational level, and wallet.
How many more women die from abortions should be home for the simple reason
their poverty that prevents you from being able to pay for a doctor? How many more children are being abused by pedophile priests without even the Church expelled from their ranks? And justice, if found guilty, why are privileged with a freedom that is denied to other mortals, pending appeal?
But celebrate Mother's Day, everyone took the opportunity to make a good gift to our mother or your wife, on behalf of our children. And we celebrate Children's Day, we gave our children objects, while a TV channel and padding making "sun for the kids. " Sun comes out for a day, three hundred sixty-four, if not cloudy, raining.
I wonder when, speaking of insecurity, will be thinking of those who do not have the confidence to dinner that night, when is that, when talking about theft, both mentioned a child who is brutally stole his childhood, in and out, little ones, like cardboard.
live in a terribly hypocritical society: many of those who cried outraged by the murder of this boy are serial repeaters that "the picketers have to kill them all" which can sustain both without flinching. Or those who complain heatedly by insecurity, by the deaths that usually occur in attempted carjacking, but do not hesitate to buy spare parts in the street Warnes, mostly stolen, because they are cheaper, perhaps by being stained blood.
Violence is also an asymmetry so obscene, so marked contrast between the haves and have been driven to the margins.
Being young and poor is often an invitation to prejudice and investment incriminating burden of proof: that someone is guilty until proven otherwise.
When discriminated against, when the other ceases to be a person to become a nuisance or a potential threat, the good bourgeois, fearing for their integrity or their property, does not hesitate to exercise their violence, that which makes buying a gun for "self defense", or those giant dogs usually come out on the television show because it ended up killing some creature of the same family.
This is called "drama", "tragedy" would not use big words if the kid killed his teeth had been a pauper who came to retrieve the ball drop after the gate, because the invasion of private property, change the cover.
All this is off the record of the camera, appears on screen.
The cannibal feast has not required for these trifles, is scrupulous to the point in the classification of what to eat and what to discard.
And it is not to dilute the violent, blending, violence within the society. No. There is a kind of violent they have to deal with state institutions, including the judiciary, but other forms of violence, more subtle, indirect but no less destructive, require that we look at ourselves and ask ourselves what we have to see us as a society with what happens to us. Begin to see these other forms of violence, injustice, which is his mother. And once we take into account that our children learn much of what we say, but are primarily looking at what we do with what we say.
Let us begin, then, to use the mirrors in our houses.


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