Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Deal Or No Deal Breasts

Behind the money, I have no doubt. And I understand that inherent dividends to be proclaimed European Capital of Culture ", you crave a very sweet bait to any municipal government team and opposition, a legitimate aspiration that I have nothing to object. What depressed me the entrails as an advantage is that for such recognition, is provided between monuments, artistic creations and infrastructure, an assortment of guts and gore crossed, or what is the same: the bullfight. And in Cordoba and heard "voices authorized "bullfighting recommended as one of the" highlights "to achieve the coveted title in 2016. I did not know that a menu was more seductive sadism.

Strain through a sieve of culture torture of animals - some animals, to deal with a dog or a horse would be a criminal offense - is a claim also present, a tactic common in business bulls and matadors, since the change of Ministry to which your business would bring more bloody and more entrenched economic injections, some items of public money absolutely necessary to keep alive an activity that otherwise would have disappeared long ago, because to contemplate the agony and death of a bull is a show for which fewer people pay an entry.

I have not managed to find a single point on the aspects to be evaluated in a City to name a European Capital of Culture ", which alludes obliquely or the suffering of a living being as positive before the Selection Committee. Moreover, I doubt that in an integrated Europe by country so advanced in animal protection, such as Austria, Germany and Switzerland, is pleased to see the bastion of savagery that is in authorizing Spain a custom so detrimental to the animals, degrading to human beings and costly for public finances.

seems, however, that the greed of some sectors are finding themselves with increasing clarity and sensitivity of certain political leaders to immune to bribes or legal materials are putting the brakes - still too much warmth is true - such a waste of makeup lethal testiculina cultural identity, tradition and even conservatism, in a display of cynicism impossible to digest.

lease will not gain Cordoba in this process and be committed such a strategy, even though this time all the Municipal Corporation has taken an embarrassing handshake. Their ambition should not prevent them from thinking about an undeniable fact: to preserve the brutality does not open doors, close them, and that includes the European Parliament.


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