Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Biffy Clyro Mountains

Maradona, the metaphor and the herd

Leo int ernet in a note published in the English newspaper El Pais, called "Maradona as Argentina metaphor" , and, among many other curiosities that we will be deploying, signed by two people: John Carlin, a journalist who said Adde lived 10 years in Buenos Aires, Carlos Pierini to who presented as Argentine psychoanalyst. It is interesting to pay attention to this presentation, it just refers to what would enable them, give them the patina of a certain knowledge from which they will discuss: suggest that the news story will be buttressed, sustained from a psychoanalytic discourse . I hereby report that it is not. Using words own discipline per se do not make a scientific text, and, clearly, not talk "Psychoanalysis", will speak on a subject that in any case is a psychoanalyst, and no more than that, which enables especially not for nothing that not their professional practice. I apologize for this long introduction, but Maradonian could say that, at least in this, psychoanalysis is not stained.

Now we can approach the text itself, which is nothing but an expression of wildness and intellectual poverty, a compendium of social prejudice, political, ideological masked in science fiction, and structured in opposing pairs: Argentina the Centennial breadbasket of the world, with an educational standard comparable to Western Europe, becomes in Paradise Lost, ideal state that could well be the result of a religious discourse on the sin of populism, and in particular, of Peronism. Interesting question, as swollen (and infatuated) speech, the "couple authorship" of the note argues strongly that "Flock" to deify the "Idols" Gods creatures "(sic) and Peron, Evita, Maradona, NK and CFK, denies reality. Fact of Centennial obscenely wealthy oligarchy, of which his cow shipped way to Paris to take fresh milk in the crossing? In any case, whether to manipulate the boundaries of psychoanalysis is, what would be under the cloak of repression is precisely the cause of enrichment offensive patrician elites: the laburante. And the repression is not only the Freudian sense, but that implemented, among many, the army in Patagonia. What happened here with the metaphor, Pierini, fell to the bullets, like those real people, so real that needed to nominate them as pack animals? Honoring the repetition compulsion with which we lit authors, also fell under the repression (the Freudian why certain representations unbearable to consciousness are expelled into the Unconscious and return later as symptoms, dreams, lapses, failures) the succession of coups, executions, persecutions, mutes, culminating with the masterpiece of the uncanny: disappearances. If we analyze from a psychoanalytic device, how can deny that when secuestaban task forces, called it "suck"? All that disappeared from his prolijito speech, Pierini, the Billiken figurine "psi" who wanted to compose, the idea of \u200b\u200baxis of evil incarnate in populism, Peronism, everything that you smell bad, like a herd stink of wild animals.
As also disappeared from his speech the setting, as we suffocate on significant issues, states: belt fit people over many years by the political correctness that you, Pierini (yankee go home, I do not care el gringo) seems to miss: the Mxnxm, De La Rua, Cavallo, many, rigorous, planned and serious as he wished. Yes, have cost some deaths, it is true, but the herd is large. No matter, however, the successes and failures are not measured by quantity do.e dead, but by proximity to the proposed ideal.
Finally: Is not you think-a bit-a sort of Maradona with the brilliant work that has given birth?
Because, seen from the pack, it seems you enlighten us, showing us the right path that would lead us to be a little bit, just a little more into his likeness, which would be to regain the lost paradise .

PS: in my retina I have the great Maradona goal for the English, but not the hand, but the other, the ethics of a desire indestructible, which can not even turn around. Do you know? because that is where it is valued, at least in my neighborhood.

could also function as a metaphor, right?

would be more to say, honestly, on what is written. But I do not worthwhile, after all, everyone will have their world view (that the old Viennese called Weltanschauung)
and live according to it, write, think. We can agree on something difficult.
Finally: That ugly, for a psychoanalyst, to speak of an addict, and say that everything sucked.
Note written above, perhaps it resonates. Ah! "the herd" I elaborated, I left to the individual who ...


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