Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Confidentiality Clause Survey Information


I was speechless, only surprise and pain.
lot of pain.
And much, much thanks.
We follow the path of liberation

Chau, Nestor Kirchner, onward to victory.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Urinating A Lot And Stomach Pains


ultrasecuenciaciĆ³n techniques of the human genome has allowed a major breakthrough for medical research: sequencing an individual genome. This process, which once took months of work and an investment of hundreds of thousands of dollars, can now be carried out in three days and costs around four thousand. Time and amount to further decline in the future.

One of the applications is in oncology. To be the cancer multiple different diseases will be achieved through this method to put "name" to a tumor, so that its diagnosis, treatment and prognosis will be much more effective. Not a guarantee of cure at the moment, but it greatly increases the chances of it to be able to establish a personalized therapy based on the analysis of the genetic characteristics of tumor cells. However, this discovery is not using the network of public health because of their "high" cost.

Moreover, in Spain and taking its origin in the different administrations, are intended in subsidies to bullfighting about 560 million per year, not to add what bullfighting schools are designed to educate children and youth in the fight.

If we divide the figure represents money in the budgets used to ensure the continuation of bullfighting - they alone are not viable economically - from the current price of genome sequencing, we found that with those items assigned to the bullfighting industry each year could be applied to medical technology that 140,000 patients with cancer, which kills about 100,000 people in our country during the same period.

No guarantees, again, the cure, but there are greater possibilities shown to extend life expectancy, and many scientists belonging to both foreign and English research centers and have published, so use still no absolute certainty of success would be as justified as when someone takes a TAC into a coma after an accident or surgery was a victim with serious burns. No one says his salvation, but no effort and expense is spared to use known science.

Now, given the numbers, each one reflects on what happens in Spain and what should be our reaction. We live in a place where you have enough money to spend on public killing thousands of bulls, but it turns out we do not have to spend on an extraordinary scientific breakthrough that could save thousands of lives. Is it acceptable?

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Stream South Park On Iphone

Violence (s)

Great sadness. That feel for the murder of a 23 year old boy, following his ideals, he paid with his life for his generosity militant. Laburantes died in solidarity with victims of injustice was at the hands of a gang hired by a rich union chief, to maintain this privilege. As we have been lobbying for many years: trial and punishment of murderers, thugs and bosses. Justice.
Justice, respect and remembrance are the only living things that we can offer the dead, at least if you missed any of them to this kid named Mariano Ferreyra.
But I will not speak of this crime, and many friends on their blogs have done so with depth and commitment.
some days had been thinking about writing about violence, about the different ways that cobra, its different degrees of visibility and therefore its impact: some facts rather than published, displayed in the media, serve as traps for the look, if I may: the eye-catching. These are the issues that drew attention, the point targeting that we are driven, they are part of everyday reality show, things which will be discussed at the dinner table, in the office, on the street.
The use of the word "show" is not random or innocent: it looks from the outside, while not involved, directing their gaze on what the other. A crime story like this boy unleashes the cannibal feast, his picture lying on the floor, having lost control of his bowels, repeated at every moment, it became the representation of disrespect, desecration of the body such as eye catchers above to be consumed cannibalistic.
Is this not perhaps another form of violence? because there are many other violence, an infinite, they are silenced, whisked away to the eye. There is violence, too much violence, the unspoken: those that occur in the home environment, many battered women, abused children, the networks trafficking, pedophiles with or without basements. Precarious work, abuse, exploitation, discrimination by skin color, by educational level, and wallet.
How many more women die from abortions should be home for the simple reason
their poverty that prevents you from being able to pay for a doctor? How many more children are being abused by pedophile priests without even the Church expelled from their ranks? And justice, if found guilty, why are privileged with a freedom that is denied to other mortals, pending appeal?
But celebrate Mother's Day, everyone took the opportunity to make a good gift to our mother or your wife, on behalf of our children. And we celebrate Children's Day, we gave our children objects, while a TV channel and padding making "sun for the kids. " Sun comes out for a day, three hundred sixty-four, if not cloudy, raining.
I wonder when, speaking of insecurity, will be thinking of those who do not have the confidence to dinner that night, when is that, when talking about theft, both mentioned a child who is brutally stole his childhood, in and out, little ones, like cardboard.
live in a terribly hypocritical society: many of those who cried outraged by the murder of this boy are serial repeaters that "the picketers have to kill them all" which can sustain both without flinching. Or those who complain heatedly by insecurity, by the deaths that usually occur in attempted carjacking, but do not hesitate to buy spare parts in the street Warnes, mostly stolen, because they are cheaper, perhaps by being stained blood.
Violence is also an asymmetry so obscene, so marked contrast between the haves and have been driven to the margins.
Being young and poor is often an invitation to prejudice and investment incriminating burden of proof: that someone is guilty until proven otherwise.
When discriminated against, when the other ceases to be a person to become a nuisance or a potential threat, the good bourgeois, fearing for their integrity or their property, does not hesitate to exercise their violence, that which makes buying a gun for "self defense", or those giant dogs usually come out on the television show because it ended up killing some creature of the same family.
This is called "drama", "tragedy" would not use big words if the kid killed his teeth had been a pauper who came to retrieve the ball drop after the gate, because the invasion of private property, change the cover.
All this is off the record of the camera, appears on screen.
The cannibal feast has not required for these trifles, is scrupulous to the point in the classification of what to eat and what to discard.
And it is not to dilute the violent, blending, violence within the society. No. There is a kind of violent they have to deal with state institutions, including the judiciary, but other forms of violence, more subtle, indirect but no less destructive, require that we look at ourselves and ask ourselves what we have to see us as a society with what happens to us. Begin to see these other forms of violence, injustice, which is his mother. And once we take into account that our children learn much of what we say, but are primarily looking at what we do with what we say.
Let us begin, then, to use the mirrors in our houses.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Vegetarian Option On Response Card

The bull does not bleed, exudes European Capital of Culture and bulls

Mr Perez Rubalcaba, this time the government team to which you belong has been covered. Let me tell you what kind of material they have, because under of clarity that has shown little fear err: you have covered in blood. His promise to pass on bullfighting to the Ministry of Culture is an example of how when management is bad always be something worse. Give pain, but in view of what happened as a rejection raises do not know whether or not appreciated by fools despise infamous.

imagine that his party, it started promising Animal Protection Act with the times and now describes the torture of culture, and accounts will cast the votes that this decision will cost . I say, the losers on that side will not stop the PP, because although again you have made the game to the opposition and are you the best skilled crew that Genoa could desire, vote, vote PSOE or PP is pain.

is a pity, yes, do not listen a little closer to the Young Socialists, because they do not usually participate in its efforts to protect the public and caused agony of an animal. I guess it's a matter of sensibility and theirs, with so much power into a vein, and are a little faded. Is what aging is bad, that we cling to the past although this is sometimes a heap of nonsense. Or savagery. Even the two in this case.

and bullfighters delighted, of course. They finally declared "are seen for what they are: some artists." "I can laugh? Now it will be that these subjects charge for tormenting a bull to death of virtuous airs host culture. And that ministerial change will receive greater tax cuts and economic items does not count, right? His is pure poetry, what do you care about the money to individuals who take hundreds of thousands of dollars to convert into mangled corpses six bulls in one afternoon?

whole delight now the fighting and education are managed in the same Ministry. Not only in the instructional programs do not include a bare reference to respect for animals, but identification fed up of violence towards these beings with scholarship and art. Nothing Gentlemen, keep it up, striving in the impossible. Bullfights are pleasing to very few people, fewer and fewer. You're seeing it and refuse to admit it. Let's give blood and subsidized that there are certain very dangerous drunkenness and walked the streets a little more and maybe realize how most people do not want be no witnesses or patrons of a shameful and cruel torture of animals there is nothing playful or didactic.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Biffy Clyro Mountains

Maradona, the metaphor and the herd

Leo int ernet in a note published in the English newspaper El Pais, called "Maradona as Argentina metaphor" , and, among many other curiosities that we will be deploying, signed by two people: John Carlin, a journalist who said Adde lived 10 years in Buenos Aires, Carlos Pierini to who presented as Argentine psychoanalyst. It is interesting to pay attention to this presentation, it just refers to what would enable them, give them the patina of a certain knowledge from which they will discuss: suggest that the news story will be buttressed, sustained from a psychoanalytic discourse . I hereby report that it is not. Using words own discipline per se do not make a scientific text, and, clearly, not talk "Psychoanalysis", will speak on a subject that in any case is a psychoanalyst, and no more than that, which enables especially not for nothing that not their professional practice. I apologize for this long introduction, but Maradonian could say that, at least in this, psychoanalysis is not stained.

Now we can approach the text itself, which is nothing but an expression of wildness and intellectual poverty, a compendium of social prejudice, political, ideological masked in science fiction, and structured in opposing pairs: Argentina the Centennial breadbasket of the world, with an educational standard comparable to Western Europe, becomes in Paradise Lost, ideal state that could well be the result of a religious discourse on the sin of populism, and in particular, of Peronism. Interesting question, as swollen (and infatuated) speech, the "couple authorship" of the note argues strongly that "Flock" to deify the "Idols" Gods creatures "(sic) and Peron, Evita, Maradona, NK and CFK, denies reality. Fact of Centennial obscenely wealthy oligarchy, of which his cow shipped way to Paris to take fresh milk in the crossing? In any case, whether to manipulate the boundaries of psychoanalysis is, what would be under the cloak of repression is precisely the cause of enrichment offensive patrician elites: the laburante. And the repression is not only the Freudian sense, but that implemented, among many, the army in Patagonia. What happened here with the metaphor, Pierini, fell to the bullets, like those real people, so real that needed to nominate them as pack animals? Honoring the repetition compulsion with which we lit authors, also fell under the repression (the Freudian why certain representations unbearable to consciousness are expelled into the Unconscious and return later as symptoms, dreams, lapses, failures) the succession of coups, executions, persecutions, mutes, culminating with the masterpiece of the uncanny: disappearances. If we analyze from a psychoanalytic device, how can deny that when secuestaban task forces, called it "suck"? All that disappeared from his prolijito speech, Pierini, the Billiken figurine "psi" who wanted to compose, the idea of \u200b\u200baxis of evil incarnate in populism, Peronism, everything that you smell bad, like a herd stink of wild animals.
As also disappeared from his speech the setting, as we suffocate on significant issues, states: belt fit people over many years by the political correctness that you, Pierini (yankee go home, I do not care el gringo) seems to miss: the Mxnxm, De La Rua, Cavallo, many, rigorous, planned and serious as he wished. Yes, have cost some deaths, it is true, but the herd is large. No matter, however, the successes and failures are not measured by quantity do.e dead, but by proximity to the proposed ideal.
Finally: Is not you think-a bit-a sort of Maradona with the brilliant work that has given birth?
Because, seen from the pack, it seems you enlighten us, showing us the right path that would lead us to be a little bit, just a little more into his likeness, which would be to regain the lost paradise .

PS: in my retina I have the great Maradona goal for the English, but not the hand, but the other, the ethics of a desire indestructible, which can not even turn around. Do you know? because that is where it is valued, at least in my neighborhood.

could also function as a metaphor, right?

would be more to say, honestly, on what is written. But I do not worthwhile, after all, everyone will have their world view (that the old Viennese called Weltanschauung)
and live according to it, write, think. We can agree on something difficult.
Finally: That ugly, for a psychoanalyst, to speak of an addict, and say that everything sucked.
Note written above, perhaps it resonates. Ah! "the herd" I elaborated, I left to the individual who ...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Deal Or No Deal Breasts

Behind the money, I have no doubt. And I understand that inherent dividends to be proclaimed European Capital of Culture ", you crave a very sweet bait to any municipal government team and opposition, a legitimate aspiration that I have nothing to object. What depressed me the entrails as an advantage is that for such recognition, is provided between monuments, artistic creations and infrastructure, an assortment of guts and gore crossed, or what is the same: the bullfight. And in Cordoba and heard "voices authorized "bullfighting recommended as one of the" highlights "to achieve the coveted title in 2016. I did not know that a menu was more seductive sadism.

Strain through a sieve of culture torture of animals - some animals, to deal with a dog or a horse would be a criminal offense - is a claim also present, a tactic common in business bulls and matadors, since the change of Ministry to which your business would bring more bloody and more entrenched economic injections, some items of public money absolutely necessary to keep alive an activity that otherwise would have disappeared long ago, because to contemplate the agony and death of a bull is a show for which fewer people pay an entry.

I have not managed to find a single point on the aspects to be evaluated in a City to name a European Capital of Culture ", which alludes obliquely or the suffering of a living being as positive before the Selection Committee. Moreover, I doubt that in an integrated Europe by country so advanced in animal protection, such as Austria, Germany and Switzerland, is pleased to see the bastion of savagery that is in authorizing Spain a custom so detrimental to the animals, degrading to human beings and costly for public finances.

seems, however, that the greed of some sectors are finding themselves with increasing clarity and sensitivity of certain political leaders to immune to bribes or legal materials are putting the brakes - still too much warmth is true - such a waste of makeup lethal testiculina cultural identity, tradition and even conservatism, in a display of cynicism impossible to digest.

lease will not gain Cordoba in this process and be committed such a strategy, even though this time all the Municipal Corporation has taken an embarrassing handshake. Their ambition should not prevent them from thinking about an undeniable fact: to preserve the brutality does not open doors, close them, and that includes the European Parliament.