Sunday, September 5, 2010

Free Fluid In Pouch Of Douglas

On the Edge of the Future (read more)

The key is the elapse of time, or better yet, our elapse in it.
official time as a privileged order of things: beginnings, endings, are cuts symbolic product of human need to make events in history, that is, give them a rationality, a sense.
All sawing is arbitrary, because it involves stopping at a point of something that, per se, is constant flux. Arbitrary also be the look with which it will address: always think "from" a place, from a certain position.
So, stripped and the hypocrisy of a supposed objectivity, we are free to discuss certain issues that we want to tie from our subjective perspective.
One of them is the cross section that has operated the Baldwin Brothers in society: the forced to confront the ghosts of his past, have reinstalled the policy as a factor of transformation, and the ideological debate as its engine.
And perhaps, as the years pass and go to write the history of this moment, is this your most significant contribution.
Because, after all, we might well think that the battle is taking place involves not only this, but fundamentally the future.
What is at issue is simply the power: the power of today, and guide the future, to prefigure the drawing of lines that will run tomorrow.

The conservative approach to this dispute labeled as belonging to the order of dispossession: the "presidential couple", a sort of conjugal conspiracy, in its unbridled ambition, "come around "so that" trample on press freedom, "arguably erecting a last bastion of republican liberty. To carry out this predation worthy of locusts, marriage not hesitate to link to the owners of the largest dailies in the country for the crimes of the dictatorship. The opposition, following the best traditions Republican has sided with the media in defense of freedom.

This outline, and provides a picture of himself to the victim, has the virtues of suppression and masking: it removes the political dimension of the dispute, and also nature of "business" employer, a recognition that the news is also market goods. If something about the business left standing, will side of the conjugal conspiracy, while the defense of freedom is paid by the media and opposition sectors aligned with them. This last point is crucial for the blind, the press, the "mainstream media" window acts as the politicians who are aligned with their interests, who have secured advertising answer for their actions, their installation on the public image saturation , indulging in stories, oversizing of her figure, etc..
words, a whole apparatus is mounted on the large economic groups, the true owners power, promote certain political groups to which they are functional, ie able to build on this to ensure more power in future . This explains why, although large companies are taking an average profit rates higher and growing domestic market, lose no opportunity to oppose and weaken the government because he mentioned his goal of reaching a 50/50 sharing of the wealth distribution between capital and labor, which in future could make them earn less money, on par with the current leaders do not seem to be easily manipulated, ergo, they are not guaranteeing maximum profitability always advena. The paradox, then, that Kirchner, who is government, which is "the ruling" is the weapon that has the popular field in their struggle against power.

We said that the great contribution of Kirchner has been to return to politics instead of governing public life, and with it has struck numb part of society, has allowed the emergence of different readings of reality that are made daily to model the currents of opinion. And above all things, promoted we return to consider other options, other ways of understanding society, the country, the region ng.
wonder that I should not have been at this time in which to raise the issue of equalization of marriage rights, or the next debate on abortion: There is a society that begins to break with the rigid schematic of the established minorities are struggling to make their needs visible.

This was to be transcended, which persist in time, like a flag to be raised in future other hand, who will take the symbolic post , because we are against the edges of the future.

Of course, not all segments of society have the same perception: the damage to the social, economic, educational and health in our country has been of a size such that there a lot of outsiders for whom the urgency of daily horizon is the farthest we can spot. State action must intensify and focus its effort to include these children in a fair society with opportunity of life without essential material needs.
Another area where we place a very important part of our middle and upper classes, does not share the perception: they rely much more on the paradigm of "private" than in public. They are basically conservative, even with a progressive face, telling farmers of moderation, do not hesitate to ask tough police and institutionalized vendetta, declared tolerant, depose without any doubt their social protest involving a street cut or suspension of a service. Proving to be just, discriminating by skin color . Have a measure of freedom that is itself of "who pays " I can choose, for that payment. Fibertel The case is an appropriate example where the supposed freedom of choice presents itself as the supreme value, above the law, rather, illegality of the license ... not to mention felonies.
course, never facing what is freedom for those who can not afford.
This last segment is as yet not lose their social status, their position in a society that viewed as an aggregate of individuals, not currency as may be integrated to a collective project integrator and processor, but rather to promote the maintenance of the status quo. Surely we must go our way without them, or rather, to their regret.

The policy is precisely to this: to be a tool to achieve the common good and therefore require our participation, to build an inclusive and dignified group. But powerful forces oppose: stigmatized as few teenagers, according to their socioeconomic condition, are labeled as the black jet, paco addict and murderer, whitey or compulsive consumer, who must sell expensive phones. The logic of a market that chooses who to exclude, and those who get away to eat, the team converted into objects and muting. But there are always cracks ...

The phenomenon is already underway, regardless of who and where their coming actors, the militancy in all its forms, is revving up everywhere, the Buenos Aires high school students are a good example: some are members of different parties, some not, but come together to defend their rights the place they have in common: their schools. Even among them are some who do not agree with the methodology of taking the building to demand, but nevertheless support. In solidarity, though not equally affected, support. It should encourage reflection on some leaders in the field say they are popular, but the facts show otherwise.

Most likely, our kids are becoming our masters.
So be it.


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