Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Cause Of Dry Heaves In The Morning


Viewing the angry reaction of the most illustrious feather hunting in this country, the adoption of the ILP for the abolition of bullfights in Catalonia has not been good to the group of hunters. And it is surprising that I know they do not use spears, swords or flags or break your muscles and cause fatal bleeding, only make use of guns for ... - well, what a coincidence! - To kill animals, just as others do.

What this similarity will be the reason that Israel Hernandez, Director of the Revista Jara and lines, has issued a warning: "We have not played but it has been touching our heads"? What adjectives you could apply to him then he called "clowns" and "foolish" to the promoters of the ILP?, Because far more lethal than the Initiative are the cartridges, which they do not rub but squarely on the bodies VENATORIA their trophies.

Nor will grace the Lord has made Antonio Mata, Editor of the Journal and Hunting Safaris, that making use of its peculiar linguistic canana them as "ecolotontólogos" and "chupasubvenciones." Could invite the smile, if it was not in the same text says: "What terrifies me most is that they are no longer four grotesque despelotaos those who express their opinions. Now those who think they are builders, housewives, plumbers, executives, students and grandmothers. " Statement that exudes a whiff Asaz disturbing and enlightening.
Baghlan these two examples to illustrate the surprising corporatism that have suddenly experienced riflemen with bullfighting sector, which invites us to reflect on two issues: the first, fearing that sooner than later his bloody hobby begin to be eradicated by law to prove that their actual arguments to defend it, are a bunch of nonsense so gross as those of taurófilos. And second, confirming that most of the friends to pull the trigger, do not care about the suffering of animals for human entertainment whatever the modality used against the victims. Some speak of tradition and other conservation, is not it just fun for them all?

Fear is lodged in the hunters, fearing that cruelty to animals is doomed to disappear as consensual practice. But they should not feel so aggrieved, they have long causing the sensation in animals to scare them with their guns, with their stocks, with legal hunting and the illegal too. And while humans with their frequent "accidents." Should never give weapons to those who only want to kill.


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