Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Jewelery Store Cover Letter

A Two Voices in Descartes and Discarded

Tired as I am to hear certain things, I plunged into a silly experiment: Watch a political agenda, in TN, but ... in muting, and try to interpret the gestures and sockets. Taking into account that came from a time of listening to talking with Ceferino Reato Lanata was something like going to a spa. Why not?
In fact, I got to hear "Two Voices" is 17 years, and launches scenery.
Guests: Mauricio Macri, Francisco de Narvaez and Agustín Rossi. The rest was purely subjective interpretation. The experience lasted until about 23.00., Know and sorry for not giving me the leather segment Pino Solanas, who, at least in the few minutes I left enabled audio was not announced.

Segment Mauricio Macri (MM ): for plasma images, we see that opened with the theme of taking the schools. Mauricio speaks, gesturing with both hands together as if in prayer, but horizontal, would feel like a road marking should be saying how bad it is what the kids. Keep the fingers of his left hand glued to the right, but "separates together," as he is justified. At the same time, enlarge the eyes, simile of a weight claim. Appears socket 1 / 3 of the screen that says "TAKE THE SCHOOLS" and below "the government showed simpre diáologo vocation" (these are the 22.19 hours) . MM is talking about: his gesture seems self-justifying; Bonelli seems to be asking something supposedly committed to by the relaxation of the expression of MM is a "take it and do it," a central goal AHAC pair, the respondent moves her mouth and hands more speed and power (22.23 pm) and the socket says "LANDSLIDES: WHO IS RESPONSIBLE '" "emergency systems work in record time" (uppercase). Infer that, when asked the socket, said the answer to who is responsible, but how you react.
MM shrugs his shoulders (22, 24 h) and in plasma appears to patrol the image the Metropolitan can not avoid it, the Federal (22.25 pm). Another socket, which is I think the third time, "Mauricio Macri in" A TWO VOICES. Bonelli another question, MM wrinkles her forehead, her eyes enlarged, fluid begins to speak and move his hands more quickly and forcefully : I presume you are referring to something in the national government appears socket "BE CANDIDATE IN 2011" seems to say yes with a smile, Bonelli y Cia up and go to another table.
Augustine Segment . Rossi, and body position of journalists is different, a more rigid posrtura, leaning more forward than in the previous segment. "PERALTA COURT AGAINST" reads the socket-Rossi speaks with justificatory gesture, firm but calm. It is noted that when building looks down the sentence, but the community looking into the eyes. Rossi speaks, the camera focuses on De Narváez (DN) noting, in profile. Socket: "Penguin or penguins" (22.31 pm) "NESTOR Y CRISTINA summarizes our political space" with a gesture that denotes no difference between one and another. Zocalo "PERALTA COURT AGAINST" And smaller, "it is strange that this situation is just the province of S. Cruz", "is a case that sets a bad precedent for the autonomy of the Pcias "(22.32: In the plasma, pictures of members of the Court) Rossi explains, still show a DN in profile, straight face. Rossi gestures by opening both hands, as if to convince Bonelli cross-examination which clearly interparliamentary to said Rossi, speaking gesticualndo with both hands in parallel, as efforts to explain emphatically. turns the camera to DN, who listens to his chin in her hands, still. Silvestre question length (22.25 pm), Rossi made a gesture with two fingers that are supposed to be a two, speaking segmenting the movement of their hands as putting things in place (22.36) Bonelli question something, Sylvestre looks at him askance, DN agree, the camera stays with him, the socket "Francisco De Narvaez moment," Rossi abirendo his arms gesturing as scoring position, then returns to put their hands in parallel, and also move in parallel, forward. Sockets: "WHOSE HANDS ATA Scioli" and "Scioli KIRCHNER VS. Without being Einstein or Freud, guess that Rossi is trying to at least accept a short, and if it could be a rupture. Especially since you would be giving his guest the following argument, incidentally, who wants the job Scioli.
as Rossi made a gestualización pointing disntintos places and then converge.
The base is now warns that the health of Nestor Kirchner, Rossi speaks calm, with little body movement. Socket: "what happened this weekend does not influence policy decisions." Change the socket again: : BUDGET 2011 "" We want the budget is approved, " , gesticulation becomes stronger, we see that is an issue more actively involved; movement hand from the inside out, expansive. The base announced: "If the opposition wants rule has to win executive elections, returns the socket "Budget 2011"; the gestualización is more explanatory (22.44 pm) parallel hands, index fingers extended, nod. Change the socket, "the controversy over INFLATION "(22.45 pm), speaks Sylvestre, the image shows DN in position" dignified ", announcing in an instant socket. Smile average DN, 3 / 4 profile. Pause. Propaganda de Quilmes to the heroes ( what bad taste, the heroes use to sell beer) then institutional advertising which displayed some drawings: a military symbol, the coat of the UCR, the PC, PJ, someone else that I could not hold, and PJ. Below is the symbol of peace, standing. That image disappears, TN arises, then, "all of us,"
I do not comment.
Narváez Segment: Plate A2V, DN smiles and nods, speaks slowly moving his arms to his side and his head. 1 / 2 screen shows Aníbal Fernández in Congress, the image of Patio, forgiveness, and rebuked the Minister Patricia Bullrich and rising from his seat with an air of indignation. DN still talking and shaking head, I presume you are taking a critical binge. Although the expression of his hands and face would say that proposes something, still shaking his head. Smile with your mouth, but no accompanying eye, it is extremely cold.
The camera focuses on another guest who is on the floor, Pino Solanas, who at 22.53 pm. scratch an eye. DN is still talking with both hands near each other, extended indexes, the base said: "Today families have certainly going to be worse on children than fathers" (SIC) ; modify socket "in 2011 ending a way of governing" "Scioli is Kirchner " and something that simply overwhelmed me " to be a good person not enough to be a good person." Shit ....
At this point, the socket is pure vertigo: "Scioli VERSUS KIRCHNER. DN accelerated speech, relax, smile again, we see that is well aligned with contributions from their hosts. continue socket, "Scioli MANAGEMENT" ( 22.56 pm ) Pino Solanas looks nails, DN is a gesture of indignation , Sylvestre is talking "his candidatira Bs As" DN laughs then becomes very serious , hands together like Mauricio Macri ; his gesture denotes irritation and disappointment, it appears the socket "Federal Peronism" speaking seriously, repeated many times not head and gestures hug in various directions as giving to understand that he is making all efforts to unite the feudal PJ, say, federal, but the bonfire of vanities ... PS looks at him with a certain smile while still talking about the PF DN , d and the plans he, only he has . The base reaches the climax: "We must stop stealing for g Obern this country" (23.00 pm ) Bonelli speech, DN, angry, he moves his two indices in a semicircle, while the socket back to the Budget 2011; gets harder and gesticulating, denies his head "The Baldwin WILLS IS YOUR RESOURCES TO BUY" the ineffable written statement of the screen, the guest (not interviewed, it was clearly a guest house) seats emphatically staring at the hosts and smiles.
Are 23.05. It remains Pino Solanas, but despite having seen a political agenda in muting, it is not necessary to see to see where comes the hand. Also, I'm tired. Are 0.45 pm, I get up at 6.15 and, unfortunately, in my laburo, I can not say the silly things which I presume will have the in this program.
But at least saved me listen.


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