Sunday, August 29, 2010

Images Of Blue Waffle

turn on and off the Light

For a while I round the idea of \u200b\u200bwriting something about a program TN channel, "Power on / off the light."

extrañao blogueraje look Surely without understanding, and a point will, with so many other programs devoted to it. But I can not stop to consider some questions:

The first is that within said channel programming, the program is friendly, kind. Something like the flipside of the tension. That is, it offers an oasis in the desert of insecurity, corrupt presidential marriages and hyper-ambitious, controversial secretaries who abuse virgin virgin entrepreneurs and business advocates, angry lawmakers denounce as guardians of the republic lost and silver retirees. Entrepreneurs see their business bewildered, if not go to ruin, go to the condemnation. They come across.

Nothing more "friendly" to turn on and off the light, show the channel you want people who are with them. It is not just All News, no, it is also Us All, that they may disappear, the law means that control K, you know? And, how do you not support him, if we ourselves? Can not you see we are there, did not see me waving?

turn on and off the light, follow the slogan of the face "kind", "human" of multimedia, that makes gestures to each news item. How could you lie to the good kid, who invites you to turn on and off the light? Seest thou not suffer when giving bad news, the only ones that can exist in this godforsaken land?
You can tell how badly he does, which puts their faces, but I bench the kid. After all that had to happen, we do turn on and off the light ...

Perhaps the light turn on and off to hide, in part, the terror of the question. Because
just the flash of light can not see clearly. Or that red stain on the paper is blood?

And you know, there are none so blind as those that light turns on and off for not thinking.

Turn on and off the light, perhaps, end up being a metaphor for the alternation lie / truth stand as independent journalism. Yes, the state, not the real power, which is a part, with the molding. Boast invite a political agenda than any figure you like to share a "debate" with 4 or 5 of its fans, who come to hunt in packs. That is democratic. It is freedom of expression. And hunting season.

Turn on and off the light, you may refer governments that have driven up and down, who drove and who collapsed. Those who "activated" when needed and "off" when not appropriate. (What was life Blumberg, and Antonini Wilson, how's Sadous, where is Isidoro Graiver?)

light turn on and off, music by a former senator of the Nation , former governor of a province, a former movie actor who enjoyed wearing the uniform and military boots. Candidate and former vice president.
He has that job in the middle. Others are correspondents in Congress. Be specialized notes themselves, also their cadence is marked by the light turns on and off the playing the CEO, who is the master of the knobs.
Because the master turns on the light, making visible, efficient correspondents.
And turn off the light, invisible to those lukewarm, undecided, who are not up to it.
Finally, again lost the red and tired.
That the final turn off the light.


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