Saturday, November 13, 2010

Inert Fillers In Dog Food

The Living, the Dead and the Living Dead

I really like horror movies, and in particular, two sub-genres: one that could well be represented by films like " The Exorcist, and the triptych of "The Omen" in which sense the presence of the devil himself, the ultimate form of evil, and their influence on men, trying to lead the world into the realm of shadows.
The other subgenus, which really excites me is that of the zombies, the living dead.
This seems much more rich in nuances, metaphors, readings. What makes my preference for the latter is a distinctive feature of the above: here is not the supreme evil : the subject in question is the man himself. But adelantémoslo from now, we will not speak from the psychoanalysis of death, but we will practice some metaphors, some readings that might break off.
Knowing many actors in the political life in Argentina, guide by the horror genre does not seem a misguided choice. We'll see where it leads.
Despite endless rumors about the living dead, almost all have their origin in a strange infection of unknown origin that causes death of the infected, but then makes revived. Now, live?. This is the first point to discuss, in fact, can hardly disqualifies that term, because in the resuscitation only makes them seem alive is a devouring lust, anger with which he delivered to his cannibal feast. The move, to exercise their greed, gives them a semblance of life, an empty shell. not cease to be killed by it, because they have their own life. Could anyone imagine at a deputy, a specialist in form political parties, which then devours building, doing something positive ?
the living should not forget the letters to the embassies, the apocalyptic prophecies in which bloody ambushes prepared for the caravans of the 4x4, or even order by lynch the Ceacescu vernacular, or the desire to widowhood. Many bites he endured: is the ultimate living dead: only consuming drive hatred and maintain the fiction of his political life.
Anyway, very reluctantly, when this deputy, one that follows (in the words of a friend "canine loyalty"), the capitoste turn of the Bed, or the proper corporate Baby attack with all its fury, we are left with the comfort of knowing that we are sufficiently alive and on track.
How can we not see the similarity of the behavior of Group A in Congress with the image of wandering zombies, with the sole aim of finding what devour? A hallmark is just do not have their own ideas, but reactive behaviors, "oppose", not propose.
Perhaps someone can tell us what is Manichean exaggerated, making the comparison with certain characters. And it may well be, it happens that the ferocity of their attacks, often meaningless and not political but common elementally, the irrational desire to oppose what it is, too mimics the horror genre to be able to escape temptation. Of course, we do not mean on the same terms to all of the opposition group, it is clear that we speak a large and easily recognizable select group: those who move from one program to another media companies concentrated, repeating ad nauseum the script assigned.
Argentina has an exceptional wealth of significant actual deaths: Peron, Evita and Che, missing. Carrasco, Kosteki and Santillán, Fuentealba, Jorge Julio López, Mariano Ferreyra and many others. These have been dead that have transcended life in the memory,
are proof of the triumph over death, if death is the immutability, the impossibility of change, they come to witness that have left marks . Are Our Dead, and has, precisely because we know irretrievably dead.
The other, the living dead in his own way, are a metaphor failed : while some dead, real, real, revive the spirit of those who are alive, feeding them, nurturing them by example, they, the living falsely, are its opposite: they aim to feed on the living, to support and be their own appearance. perhaps appropriate at this point the image of someone who has reached the vice presidency, and built his political career on the grounds of treason. Who would have known what would have attained notoriety this mediocre if there had been no betrayal?. We expect, however, the fate of the outcast. Nobody likes a traitor.
Another feature of the Living Dead is its lack of moral and ethical references, such as greed is their only guide, should not be surprised attempts to defund the State on the occasion of the use of Central Bank reserves debt-reduction, or operation of patronage capital and cunning deception with 82% mobile, etc. The important thing is to bite the State kirchnerisma, rip apart, weakening it.
Some living dead, that in the past were masters of the hell of ESMA, eventually dying in complete solitude, his omnipotence last reduced to a vegetative state. Great pity, had wished for him a long and agonizing survival, tedious and undignified.
In some movies, give the undead a certain evolutionary capacity: some learn to write, and call for a cannibal feast dead voices. Others of their species, less evolved, but strictly practical, presented him with the body of Mariano Ferreyra. We will not forget, ever. Neither the order nor the compliance.
Living Dead in Argentina have learned to wear masks, some congressmen, judges, businessmen, journalists, politicians, trade unionists, hide the true face , hide their fangs under a semblance of Republicanism, consensus and certainty, stalking weaknesses, biding their time. For years have camouflaged, disguised as living beings, and have devoured countless jobs have eaten hope to millions of compatriots, have torn their dreams. But paradoxically, there was someone who died a few days ago, and produced a great effect: it began to multiply, in the living consciousness of being so, and forced a contrast much greater with the undead. You can no longer claim innocence ...
will then, the task of living begin to recognize each other despite their differences, accept them and integrate them into synthesis overcome; begin to distinguish clearly between those who, without thinking the same, look the same fate : life, including full, with dignity and future. Alive, very much alive, and honoring our dead.


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