Thursday, September 23, 2010

Travis Junior Costume

El Toro de la Vega and social consciousness

Protest against an unimaginable savagery as the Bull speared of Tordesillas, seems to cause in society and its leaders the same disturbance that occurs when you throw a stone into a pond. The revulsion has aroused a life as ephemeral waves are generated and in the end, the images of that crime was put away and forgotten in the background of a bloated minds to the suffering of animals.

And it seems we can not do more. Any other action would serve to catalog larger as aggressive but had not the slightest hint of force used against others. But to them they are allowed to use violence. Can torture and kill with impunity before a bull announcing and celebrating afterwards. Our demands, always peaceful and almost always sterile, must be licensed and the hours allowed in the streets and out of such taxation means committing a crime. In view of what is happening, a more serious crime to pass through an animal with spears. In fact the latter is not. The Act protects the killing and who hinders complaint.

The concentration of Tordesillas, the manifesto signed by hundreds of representatives of art and culture, the articles in the media, statements by certain politicians, the expressions of revulsion arrivals from other countries ... nothing This has been enough to stop a nasty and bloody tradition. Banana has died after a terrible agony and the Lancers of Trustees of the Toro de la Vega, are already thinking about the next edition and in the game that will give the next victim.

What does it take? - Gentlemen, you dígannoslo politicians - what the hell does it take to ban forever a bloody spectacle that exalts the suffering of another living being? A European directive?, "A referendum that dare not call? Or maybe public managers with less fear and more decency? In any case, what is clear is that you are responsible and therefore complicit in a brutal act open to children and adults.

I know that my words, like images recorded clandestinely in Tordesillas and where we saw the unfortunate bull was killed - I repeat: killed - they will not be worth anything and that this issue deserves your attention. But one thing is certain: I, like many others, I'll be shouting to the deaf, but you - and that is more serious - are harboring a criminal law. History will judge us by utopian but never to have their hands stained with blood. Look at you own, can you say that?

Monday, September 20, 2010

Hack Logitech Bluetooth

Effects (read more)

days ago, a very young boy who is starting the race Psychology, asked if the psychoanalyst when interpreting, for example, a dream, does not exert any influence on the "patient" (we'll see what answers the encomillado). Obviously, or some reading, or your own fantasy caused him this question, and possibly also questioned ethically.
not boring friends who have kindly read these lines, I summarize the than the explanation I gave you proposing to change the word "patient" with a more appropriate: "analysand". While "patient" refers to an attitude of waiting, with more or less passive, the "analysand" is pure activity: the dream is not dream images, but words with which to build it as a story analyst. That is, the dream are the words with which the patient built a story that gives the analyst for interpretation. We emphasize from now something: the interpretation is going to give is always in relation to the uniqueness of the subject, precisely because in the dream (as in the failed acts, the slip) is produced what might be called an "effect subject ", the emergence of the subject itself. It is this that suggests the involvement of analyst, and this what, exactly, he never could "control" or "influence" . The question has several other sides to consider, but for our purposes are irrelevant. Quedémonos with the idea that effects are not susceptible of calculation, and that these effects tell us about an another scene, a different component legality.
However, these effects are often not easily discernible causality: interpretations that could be considered brilliant intellectual constructs fail any effect, simply because they do not reach that point of subjective truth, and sometimes a simple silence operates much more efficiently . Or sometimes the effect does not occur at the time and maybe one month appears in the speech of the analysand something linked to this.
I never tire of repeating one of Freud's formulations on the design of the cure: " move from the current neurotic misery to misfortune" . This, in itself, among other things, could summarized as a change in subject position before the world: eg. leave a condition of complaint and consider what has to do one, what it does and what it does not do the things that happen.
And here we reach the point itself linked to our usual topics, I have no pretension of making a parallel between the vicissitudes of psychoanalysis and political issues, economic and social crisis a society, what would be a terrible reductionism, but can stand some points to ponder.
One is that, for better or for worse, in recent years, kirchnerismo has forced us all to start thinking about what we have to do as a society, with what happens to us. ; Indeed, beyond the actions "for the Tribune that we often see politicians on TV, on our level, that of ordinary citizens will increasingly making the discussion of ideas about the kind of society we want. Everything is put on the table, with the passions it provokes, with the meetings and the disagreements, yes, but with mobility. The only way to build a better society is not through consensus but the fertility of ideas, its transformation from its opening gearbox. The consensus is somewhat sterile, conformist. Consensus is the point of agreement of detention of ideas, acts, of life. Could said that reaching consensus is to decree the death of the transformation. The review of the past, so many people uncomfortable, a condition not to repeat: the review of the past is to make him talk, deciphering its structure, cut your circuit repetitive able to make their grief .'s Trials the murderers in uniform should have their counterpart in the trials of the murderers in suits and ties; in no matter their decrepit bodies: only the fact actually be achieved by law. But I think even more important that these things happen in every one of us in the same trial: the symbolic pact law that binds us, makes us community.
Another effect is that our view of the media, and will never be the same . Maybe now we can understand that, as media companies engaged in the business of communication, are governed much more by the entrepreneurial freedom of the press that is, mediation selection and interpretation of exercise between the events and society as a whole, are more determined by their interests than by their contribution to the common good, which is information. On this issue, we can not plead ignorance and absolve us, and in any case, be left to the ethical position of each do you do with it.
remember the devastating effect it had in late 2001 when it completed the process by which the state abdicated its role, relocating to the Policy as guiding the destiny of the company is generating, on the contrary the incorporation of young people as new social actors, who today claims arising from their students. Also the possibility of marriage for same-sex was made possible by a framework provided from politics.
Who writes these lines has clearly defined the place from which it does. Surely this will be read by other people located in different places ideological, some closer, others at odds, but I think to one and all we do is reclaim the intellectual honesty to abandon the position of the complaint, beginning to discuss and define the type of society towards which march, yes, but in a constructive spirit, stating also, why not, what are we willing to lose it, because shifting from neurotic misery to ordinary misfortune, is cost, both for the subject, as a society.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Taking 10 Mg Fo Temazepam Safer

Toro de la Vega, same cruelty same mistakes

After attending the protest against Toro de la Vega Tordesillas has left me a half smile, or whatever it is, a bitterness tempered. Something like a double hope (and hope always denotes a gap): that they correct their mistakes and we have ours, because of some and the other comes the absurd and brutal death, life dies and with it a poor bull lacerated without having it, pay the fault of the sadism of some men and the foolishness of a few others.
was impressive, yes, I was contemplating claiming hundreds of human beings the martyrdom of an animal, and do so in the same soil that few hours later he received his shed blood. Reasons and silence to raise awareness, especially political, against barbarism and terror screaming and celebrating the throes of a bull.
On Sunday 12 there was an anticipated mourning, because in a society whose leaders pride themselves on looking to the future, death - and would have to call it crime, is announced, which medieval entertainment in celebration programs. Of that commitment once again, as every year, occurs on earth courageous step on the executioners, my satisfaction comes contained, and the sadness that completes the grin of my mouth becomes the stubborn human capacity to commit same mistakes over and over again.
A Tordesillas came people throughout Spain, belonging to many groups around, without affiliation to any group other activists to move them one goal: to put an end to a tradition whose rancid origin may give bull of continuity, since in the cobwebs of the past, as an embarrassing lesson, have fallen prey savage customs fortune should ever exist, and the cult of violence shown in the speared of a bull can not should not escape so just end.

Yes, there we were, hundreds of hearts grieving the impending death of Banana. However, the picture, for those who do not know, is that of a single acronym championing the fight against crime of Tordesillas. And that's not good, nor for the bull and for us, among other reasons because it presents a distorted reality. There can be no medals when there is no specific feats, but the result of work of an entire movement.
The next act in Valladolid, was another story, and in the latter city the voices against the abuse were above the logos. As it should be, if you really want to eradicate as soon as allowed and aided torture of living beings.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Jewelery Store Cover Letter

A Two Voices in Descartes and Discarded

Tired as I am to hear certain things, I plunged into a silly experiment: Watch a political agenda, in TN, but ... in muting, and try to interpret the gestures and sockets. Taking into account that came from a time of listening to talking with Ceferino Reato Lanata was something like going to a spa. Why not?
In fact, I got to hear "Two Voices" is 17 years, and launches scenery.
Guests: Mauricio Macri, Francisco de Narvaez and Agustín Rossi. The rest was purely subjective interpretation. The experience lasted until about 23.00., Know and sorry for not giving me the leather segment Pino Solanas, who, at least in the few minutes I left enabled audio was not announced.

Segment Mauricio Macri (MM ): for plasma images, we see that opened with the theme of taking the schools. Mauricio speaks, gesturing with both hands together as if in prayer, but horizontal, would feel like a road marking should be saying how bad it is what the kids. Keep the fingers of his left hand glued to the right, but "separates together," as he is justified. At the same time, enlarge the eyes, simile of a weight claim. Appears socket 1 / 3 of the screen that says "TAKE THE SCHOOLS" and below "the government showed simpre diáologo vocation" (these are the 22.19 hours) . MM is talking about: his gesture seems self-justifying; Bonelli seems to be asking something supposedly committed to by the relaxation of the expression of MM is a "take it and do it," a central goal AHAC pair, the respondent moves her mouth and hands more speed and power (22.23 pm) and the socket says "LANDSLIDES: WHO IS RESPONSIBLE '" "emergency systems work in record time" (uppercase). Infer that, when asked the socket, said the answer to who is responsible, but how you react.
MM shrugs his shoulders (22, 24 h) and in plasma appears to patrol the image the Metropolitan can not avoid it, the Federal (22.25 pm). Another socket, which is I think the third time, "Mauricio Macri in" A TWO VOICES. Bonelli another question, MM wrinkles her forehead, her eyes enlarged, fluid begins to speak and move his hands more quickly and forcefully : I presume you are referring to something in the national government appears socket "BE CANDIDATE IN 2011" seems to say yes with a smile, Bonelli y Cia up and go to another table.
Augustine Segment . Rossi, and body position of journalists is different, a more rigid posrtura, leaning more forward than in the previous segment. "PERALTA COURT AGAINST" reads the socket-Rossi speaks with justificatory gesture, firm but calm. It is noted that when building looks down the sentence, but the community looking into the eyes. Rossi speaks, the camera focuses on De Narváez (DN) noting, in profile. Socket: "Penguin or penguins" (22.31 pm) "NESTOR Y CRISTINA summarizes our political space" with a gesture that denotes no difference between one and another. Zocalo "PERALTA COURT AGAINST" And smaller, "it is strange that this situation is just the province of S. Cruz", "is a case that sets a bad precedent for the autonomy of the Pcias "(22.32: In the plasma, pictures of members of the Court) Rossi explains, still show a DN in profile, straight face. Rossi gestures by opening both hands, as if to convince Bonelli cross-examination which clearly interparliamentary to said Rossi, speaking gesticualndo with both hands in parallel, as efforts to explain emphatically. turns the camera to DN, who listens to his chin in her hands, still. Silvestre question length (22.25 pm), Rossi made a gesture with two fingers that are supposed to be a two, speaking segmenting the movement of their hands as putting things in place (22.36) Bonelli question something, Sylvestre looks at him askance, DN agree, the camera stays with him, the socket "Francisco De Narvaez moment," Rossi abirendo his arms gesturing as scoring position, then returns to put their hands in parallel, and also move in parallel, forward. Sockets: "WHOSE HANDS ATA Scioli" and "Scioli KIRCHNER VS. Without being Einstein or Freud, guess that Rossi is trying to at least accept a short, and if it could be a rupture. Especially since you would be giving his guest the following argument, incidentally, who wants the job Scioli.
as Rossi made a gestualización pointing disntintos places and then converge.
The base is now warns that the health of Nestor Kirchner, Rossi speaks calm, with little body movement. Socket: "what happened this weekend does not influence policy decisions." Change the socket again: : BUDGET 2011 "" We want the budget is approved, " , gesticulation becomes stronger, we see that is an issue more actively involved; movement hand from the inside out, expansive. The base announced: "If the opposition wants rule has to win executive elections, returns the socket "Budget 2011"; the gestualización is more explanatory (22.44 pm) parallel hands, index fingers extended, nod. Change the socket, "the controversy over INFLATION "(22.45 pm), speaks Sylvestre, the image shows DN in position" dignified ", announcing in an instant socket. Smile average DN, 3 / 4 profile. Pause. Propaganda de Quilmes to the heroes ( what bad taste, the heroes use to sell beer) then institutional advertising which displayed some drawings: a military symbol, the coat of the UCR, the PC, PJ, someone else that I could not hold, and PJ. Below is the symbol of peace, standing. That image disappears, TN arises, then, "all of us,"
I do not comment.
Narváez Segment: Plate A2V, DN smiles and nods, speaks slowly moving his arms to his side and his head. 1 / 2 screen shows Aníbal Fernández in Congress, the image of Patio, forgiveness, and rebuked the Minister Patricia Bullrich and rising from his seat with an air of indignation. DN still talking and shaking head, I presume you are taking a critical binge. Although the expression of his hands and face would say that proposes something, still shaking his head. Smile with your mouth, but no accompanying eye, it is extremely cold.
The camera focuses on another guest who is on the floor, Pino Solanas, who at 22.53 pm. scratch an eye. DN is still talking with both hands near each other, extended indexes, the base said: "Today families have certainly going to be worse on children than fathers" (SIC) ; modify socket "in 2011 ending a way of governing" "Scioli is Kirchner " and something that simply overwhelmed me " to be a good person not enough to be a good person." Shit ....
At this point, the socket is pure vertigo: "Scioli VERSUS KIRCHNER. DN accelerated speech, relax, smile again, we see that is well aligned with contributions from their hosts. continue socket, "Scioli MANAGEMENT" ( 22.56 pm ) Pino Solanas looks nails, DN is a gesture of indignation , Sylvestre is talking "his candidatira Bs As" DN laughs then becomes very serious , hands together like Mauricio Macri ; his gesture denotes irritation and disappointment, it appears the socket "Federal Peronism" speaking seriously, repeated many times not head and gestures hug in various directions as giving to understand that he is making all efforts to unite the feudal PJ, say, federal, but the bonfire of vanities ... PS looks at him with a certain smile while still talking about the PF DN , d and the plans he, only he has . The base reaches the climax: "We must stop stealing for g Obern this country" (23.00 pm ) Bonelli speech, DN, angry, he moves his two indices in a semicircle, while the socket back to the Budget 2011; gets harder and gesticulating, denies his head "The Baldwin WILLS IS YOUR RESOURCES TO BUY" the ineffable written statement of the screen, the guest (not interviewed, it was clearly a guest house) seats emphatically staring at the hosts and smiles.
Are 23.05. It remains Pino Solanas, but despite having seen a political agenda in muting, it is not necessary to see to see where comes the hand. Also, I'm tired. Are 0.45 pm, I get up at 6.15 and, unfortunately, in my laburo, I can not say the silly things which I presume will have the in this program.
But at least saved me listen.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sample Community Services Hours Letter


few days ago in Villa 31, was killed Adams Ledesma, director of a TV correspondent in the neighborhood and Mundo 31 of Villa.Si well has not yet determined a motive for the crime, it is probably paco dealers work at the possibility that the public exposure Ledesma. This hypothesis is reinforced by his widow receives threats pressing to leave the villa. To complete the few data available to us, Mr. Ledesma was of Bolivian nationality and had become a social reference in their community.
Surely no one will be surprised when we say that this death was practically over unnoticed in the media, despite being someone who was in journalism. But why, with information on "insecurity" as abundant as functional in creating currents of opinion, just has not appeared virtually anywhere?
And especially, being a journalist with the symbolism that is at this time. On the issue of insecurity in itself, I refer to the excellent post made Ricardo "Eggs and Ideas" , with a series of very interesting data, which is worth reading.
In reality, what happens, always represents a cut, a fragment. This cut reflects a certain approach, ie what you mean to whom. What interests us is to try to think about issues that are outside the cut , what is discarded.
The Nation, The Journal of the Mitre, it is often useful in these matters invaluable. Since its columns are usually denounce "insecurity" in on (and flammable) rhetoric, mixing it with political patronage (official, that is), but always focused on "the public", middle class / media high conservative tint. The Nation, a few months ago, reacted angrily to a poster which appeared "escraches" some journalists well related to the opposition parties and business interests of more powerful communication. Let us place ourselves, it was a poster that was taken, inter alia, as a sort of incitement to violence, as it was fully discussed by the Audiovisual Services Act, a law that these same journalists, in a condition militant invariably called "control law K media, "or" gag ". Of course, none of which appeared in the poster above had a problem. But rescue the reaction to the poster, to the point that his "victims" were received jointly by the Congress of the Nation by senators concerned about ...
The insecure we read and see so often and persistence in concentrated media are always people of middle or upper class, never villeros. The look that lead the nation to the world of the villages is usually the look of selfishness and contempt xenophobic and class that characterizes it. It goes without saying: it is what readers expect.
Adams Ledesma's death necessarily be part of it dropped off the front pages, screens, columns: the death of a foreigner in a village, and also concerning alternative social and communicative community. Recognize Ledesma's death is also to recognize the need for existence of Media Law by the much fought: to begin to give voice to the voiceless, the excluded, to s discarded, which will never be the concern of the mainstream media.
could say that what is discarded in the news are the people who are removed from society.
claims of slum dwellers, culture, organization, communication, to a large extent are channeled to the media they have built. Sections of society, stigmatized, made his attempt at integration, create identity, seeking progress. Need, like all an opportunity. Every day, thousands of people struggle with dignity for their livelihoods, educate their children, help build the country with his work. Daily are discriminated against, excluded, dismissed. There is a rhythm, a pulse, to the extent that the invisible as individuals, make visible as a danger to the discarded.
ninguneo But not all: on very close to the Ledesma's death, The Nation self addressed other issues related to the villas.
Let everyone draw their own conclusions.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Free Fluid In Pouch Of Douglas

On the Edge of the Future (read more)

The key is the elapse of time, or better yet, our elapse in it.
official time as a privileged order of things: beginnings, endings, are cuts symbolic product of human need to make events in history, that is, give them a rationality, a sense.
All sawing is arbitrary, because it involves stopping at a point of something that, per se, is constant flux. Arbitrary also be the look with which it will address: always think "from" a place, from a certain position.
So, stripped and the hypocrisy of a supposed objectivity, we are free to discuss certain issues that we want to tie from our subjective perspective.
One of them is the cross section that has operated the Baldwin Brothers in society: the forced to confront the ghosts of his past, have reinstalled the policy as a factor of transformation, and the ideological debate as its engine.
And perhaps, as the years pass and go to write the history of this moment, is this your most significant contribution.
Because, after all, we might well think that the battle is taking place involves not only this, but fundamentally the future.
What is at issue is simply the power: the power of today, and guide the future, to prefigure the drawing of lines that will run tomorrow.

The conservative approach to this dispute labeled as belonging to the order of dispossession: the "presidential couple", a sort of conjugal conspiracy, in its unbridled ambition, "come around "so that" trample on press freedom, "arguably erecting a last bastion of republican liberty. To carry out this predation worthy of locusts, marriage not hesitate to link to the owners of the largest dailies in the country for the crimes of the dictatorship. The opposition, following the best traditions Republican has sided with the media in defense of freedom.

This outline, and provides a picture of himself to the victim, has the virtues of suppression and masking: it removes the political dimension of the dispute, and also nature of "business" employer, a recognition that the news is also market goods. If something about the business left standing, will side of the conjugal conspiracy, while the defense of freedom is paid by the media and opposition sectors aligned with them. This last point is crucial for the blind, the press, the "mainstream media" window acts as the politicians who are aligned with their interests, who have secured advertising answer for their actions, their installation on the public image saturation , indulging in stories, oversizing of her figure, etc..
words, a whole apparatus is mounted on the large economic groups, the true owners power, promote certain political groups to which they are functional, ie able to build on this to ensure more power in future . This explains why, although large companies are taking an average profit rates higher and growing domestic market, lose no opportunity to oppose and weaken the government because he mentioned his goal of reaching a 50/50 sharing of the wealth distribution between capital and labor, which in future could make them earn less money, on par with the current leaders do not seem to be easily manipulated, ergo, they are not guaranteeing maximum profitability always advena. The paradox, then, that Kirchner, who is government, which is "the ruling" is the weapon that has the popular field in their struggle against power.

We said that the great contribution of Kirchner has been to return to politics instead of governing public life, and with it has struck numb part of society, has allowed the emergence of different readings of reality that are made daily to model the currents of opinion. And above all things, promoted we return to consider other options, other ways of understanding society, the country, the region ng.
wonder that I should not have been at this time in which to raise the issue of equalization of marriage rights, or the next debate on abortion: There is a society that begins to break with the rigid schematic of the established minorities are struggling to make their needs visible.

This was to be transcended, which persist in time, like a flag to be raised in future other hand, who will take the symbolic post , because we are against the edges of the future.

Of course, not all segments of society have the same perception: the damage to the social, economic, educational and health in our country has been of a size such that there a lot of outsiders for whom the urgency of daily horizon is the farthest we can spot. State action must intensify and focus its effort to include these children in a fair society with opportunity of life without essential material needs.
Another area where we place a very important part of our middle and upper classes, does not share the perception: they rely much more on the paradigm of "private" than in public. They are basically conservative, even with a progressive face, telling farmers of moderation, do not hesitate to ask tough police and institutionalized vendetta, declared tolerant, depose without any doubt their social protest involving a street cut or suspension of a service. Proving to be just, discriminating by skin color . Have a measure of freedom that is itself of "who pays " I can choose, for that payment. Fibertel The case is an appropriate example where the supposed freedom of choice presents itself as the supreme value, above the law, rather, illegality of the license ... not to mention felonies.
course, never facing what is freedom for those who can not afford.
This last segment is as yet not lose their social status, their position in a society that viewed as an aggregate of individuals, not currency as may be integrated to a collective project integrator and processor, but rather to promote the maintenance of the status quo. Surely we must go our way without them, or rather, to their regret.

The policy is precisely to this: to be a tool to achieve the common good and therefore require our participation, to build an inclusive and dignified group. But powerful forces oppose: stigmatized as few teenagers, according to their socioeconomic condition, are labeled as the black jet, paco addict and murderer, whitey or compulsive consumer, who must sell expensive phones. The logic of a market that chooses who to exclude, and those who get away to eat, the team converted into objects and muting. But there are always cracks ...

The phenomenon is already underway, regardless of who and where their coming actors, the militancy in all its forms, is revving up everywhere, the Buenos Aires high school students are a good example: some are members of different parties, some not, but come together to defend their rights the place they have in common: their schools. Even among them are some who do not agree with the methodology of taking the building to demand, but nevertheless support. In solidarity, though not equally affected, support. It should encourage reflection on some leaders in the field say they are popular, but the facts show otherwise.

Most likely, our kids are becoming our masters.
So be it.