Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Cause Of Dry Heaves In The Morning


Viewing the angry reaction of the most illustrious feather hunting in this country, the adoption of the ILP for the abolition of bullfights in Catalonia has not been good to the group of hunters. And it is surprising that I know they do not use spears, swords or flags or break your muscles and cause fatal bleeding, only make use of guns for ... - well, what a coincidence! - To kill animals, just as others do.

What this similarity will be the reason that Israel Hernandez, Director of the Revista Jara and lines, has issued a warning: "We have not played but it has been touching our heads"? What adjectives you could apply to him then he called "clowns" and "foolish" to the promoters of the ILP?, Because far more lethal than the Initiative are the cartridges, which they do not rub but squarely on the bodies VENATORIA their trophies.

Nor will grace the Lord has made Antonio Mata, Editor of the Journal and Hunting Safaris, that making use of its peculiar linguistic canana them as "ecolotontólogos" and "chupasubvenciones." Could invite the smile, if it was not in the same text says: "What terrifies me most is that they are no longer four grotesque despelotaos those who express their opinions. Now those who think they are builders, housewives, plumbers, executives, students and grandmothers. " Statement that exudes a whiff Asaz disturbing and enlightening.
Baghlan these two examples to illustrate the surprising corporatism that have suddenly experienced riflemen with bullfighting sector, which invites us to reflect on two issues: the first, fearing that sooner than later his bloody hobby begin to be eradicated by law to prove that their actual arguments to defend it, are a bunch of nonsense so gross as those of taurófilos. And second, confirming that most of the friends to pull the trigger, do not care about the suffering of animals for human entertainment whatever the modality used against the victims. Some speak of tradition and other conservation, is not it just fun for them all?

Fear is lodged in the hunters, fearing that cruelty to animals is doomed to disappear as consensual practice. But they should not feel so aggrieved, they have long causing the sensation in animals to scare them with their guns, with their stocks, with legal hunting and the illegal too. And while humans with their frequent "accidents." Should never give weapons to those who only want to kill.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Images Of Blue Waffle

turn on and off the Light

For a while I round the idea of \u200b\u200bwriting something about a program TN channel, "Power on / off the light."

extrañao blogueraje look Surely without understanding, and a point will, with so many other programs devoted to it. But I can not stop to consider some questions:

The first is that within said channel programming, the program is friendly, kind. Something like the flipside of the tension. That is, it offers an oasis in the desert of insecurity, corrupt presidential marriages and hyper-ambitious, controversial secretaries who abuse virgin virgin entrepreneurs and business advocates, angry lawmakers denounce as guardians of the republic lost and silver retirees. Entrepreneurs see their business bewildered, if not go to ruin, go to the condemnation. They come across.

Nothing more "friendly" to turn on and off the light, show the channel you want people who are with them. It is not just All News, no, it is also Us All, that they may disappear, the law means that control K, you know? And, how do you not support him, if we ourselves? Can not you see we are there, did not see me waving?

turn on and off the light, follow the slogan of the face "kind", "human" of multimedia, that makes gestures to each news item. How could you lie to the good kid, who invites you to turn on and off the light? Seest thou not suffer when giving bad news, the only ones that can exist in this godforsaken land?
You can tell how badly he does, which puts their faces, but I bench the kid. After all that had to happen, we do turn on and off the light ...

Perhaps the light turn on and off to hide, in part, the terror of the question. Because
just the flash of light can not see clearly. Or that red stain on the paper is blood?

And you know, there are none so blind as those that light turns on and off for not thinking.

Turn on and off the light, perhaps, end up being a metaphor for the alternation lie / truth stand as independent journalism. Yes, the state, not the real power, which is a part, with the molding. Boast invite a political agenda than any figure you like to share a "debate" with 4 or 5 of its fans, who come to hunt in packs. That is democratic. It is freedom of expression. And hunting season.

Turn on and off the light, you may refer governments that have driven up and down, who drove and who collapsed. Those who "activated" when needed and "off" when not appropriate. (What was life Blumberg, and Antonini Wilson, how's Sadous, where is Isidoro Graiver?)

light turn on and off, music by a former senator of the Nation , former governor of a province, a former movie actor who enjoyed wearing the uniform and military boots. Candidate and former vice president.
He has that job in the middle. Others are correspondents in Congress. Be specialized notes themselves, also their cadence is marked by the light turns on and off the playing the CEO, who is the master of the knobs.
Because the master turns on the light, making visible, efficient correspondents.
And turn off the light, invisible to those lukewarm, undecided, who are not up to it.
Finally, again lost the red and tired.
That the final turn off the light.

What Is The Strongest Wood In The World

Mar del Plata, my Nikon and I: Freedom of speech versus freedom of the press

Mar del Plata, my Nikon and I: Freedom of speech versus freedom of the press spread the lies are better than you believe ... I really like your blog Greetings

Friday, August 27, 2010

New Hire Announcement Letter

Pedrajas solidarity with bullfighting and bull budget

While much of the developed countries have abolished bullfighting and exert international pressure to eradicate them where they still are allowed in our beloved Spain still relevant not only legal, but also injected with public money both which detracts from all tax returns and through special items.

Keep in mind that in our country is also increasingly obvious social rejection vote to show violent and degrading because the bull can use all the makeup you want but will never be able to hide the martyrdom pain and death of the bull during the bullfight.

And if the above were not enough, remember that the crisis has resulted in cutbacks often essential for citizens, so any "bite" to the budget intended to supply an act of cruelty is at least morally despicable.

Well as it happened in Pedrajas de San Esteban (Valladolid), where under the State Fund for Employment and Local Sustainability, 56,349 euros have been spent on installing a lift for disabled Plaza de Toros and facilitate their entry to it.

It seems a sign of progress any improvements that contribute to accessibility for people with reduced mobility, but I dislike the particular (and futile) battle the powerful network by pretending that bullfighting bullfights are a mass entertainment, and what happened is not having a special empathy with the disabled, but for his eagerness to fill the arena as the same reason that encourages their aberrant crusade to make to allow the entry of minors in those scenarios where we applaud the suffering of a living being.

Bad, very bad if we agree that in a town that is less than 4000 people each year are intended to subsidize the millions suffering from eighteen creatures in three days, claiming that is "recreation and culture." According to the Ministry of Economy and Finance in late 2008 the deficit amounted Pedrajas City Council to 465,000 euros, but it seems that despite these numbers, there is still little money to shore up the public torture of animals.

someday will have to come to terms and see the death toll, perversion and debt education that bullfighting in Spain is leaving. Perhaps at that moment to ask: how could agree something? Meanwhile, politicians continue holding in the photo Pedrajas become proud, that all votes count, even stained with blood.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Is It Safe To Use Melacare

(Posted on 8/24/1910, the day of the complaint on newsprint)

Today, I read a post in "The Thing and Cause" , one of those must-read blogs came to my memories of some of the happiest moments of my childhood and far away.

ran the 60 in the quiet life of Villa Dominico, Avellaneda a neighborhood where the vast majority were supporters of Red ... and still we remain.

My grandfather, a character if there were in the neighborhood who was always asking money to go to the kiosk and buy these three magazines that fed my soul: the Tony, D'Artagnan and Fantasy.

could almost say that they learned to read. And certainly I say, they made me love the story, I was introduced to a world where there were good and evil, heroes and villains, fair and unfair.

And there were characters of all kinds, from soldiers Creoles as Cape Sabine and Martin Toro, Buddhist monks white as Harry White, immortal as Gilgamesh, Sumerian warriors of Lagash and Nippur Thebans as argon or the Just.

The cartoon is not a minor issue: it is the story told otherwise, is the word and the trace of the artist, is the suggestion of meaning multiple fertilized by word and image.

The comic has anything in common with this story artificial division of the "frame by frame" artificial because it works for those who believe it but natural for the receiver. Who fixes it in a comic no pictures?

had a strong plastic with many soldiers, and they carried out the adventures that I read in magazines, this struggle reproduced third excluded from representing the good and evil itself. ;

Along with the values \u200b\u200bthat one was learning at home and at school, also was nourished by what he read in those wonderful colorful cartoons. Among all these things, I discovered the value of those stories where the hero had to go for broke everything, where life, generously offered it was decided on an act, and for a just cause.

The expiration date of the child came that day, "rite of passage, if any, gave that strong, and his soldiers at a friend's little brother. Any capitulation to adolescence, a real sacrifice, where he and his soldiers surrendered epic, "the cause."

At this point, who discuss Freud about the imprint of the adult child about what is simply in denial. O ignorant of itself.

And you did your high school, he met his love, his partner for life, college, children, the graduate. Understood in the full sense that his work was a very important support for his family, a basis for deploying wings.

What will become of that momentum to the epic, the heroic, which was taken at an early age?

Is hopelessly lost, or just hidden in the folds of life?

Will the symbolic and has surrendered unconditionally to the real, or is there, latent, waiting for revival?

Today was a day that was something else. The other had a reunion.

My adolescence, that time arbitrarily designated between childhood and adulthood, proceeded with the sound of boots; my heroic soldiers had become kidnappers, torturers, rapists, thieves, appropriators, murderers. The fort became clandestine concentration camp.

To those soldiers and handled other hands, the hands of expert puppeteers operating in the shadows. The soldiers lost all heroic dimension, all matter of justice. No longer defending the weak, and failed to protect his people. Just following orders, they should promote such unconditional surrender of my childhood.

Today was a day that was something else. The other had a reunion.

complaint today in court that an economic empire was built on blood. That blood, and too-many-others, consolidated obscene fortunes and extreme poverty.

complaint before the courts for those who were the puppeteers suffer the same fate as their own puppets. Masters of those who were masters, bloodied all deserve to share his fate, and we deserve that they share.
has played a very angry letter from an immense power. Of those where he plays all an act, as in my children's comics. The court case will be called, probably, "Newsprint" could also be called "illusions recovered."

I have to thank, therefore, be living this moment in history, where time to reconnect with some epic, latent, perhaps we had given up for lost.
I have to thank, then, have recovered at some point, this beautiful forgotten treasure. Is as consolation, however, that although children have hopelessly lost some illusions are recovered.

After this encounter with the values \u200b\u200bof childhood itself, perhaps no more than begin to sketch a picture of the history we are bequeathing to our children.

A memory of 80: Report on the Situation, Victor Heredia

Friday, August 20, 2010

Battery Charger Schematic

response to some bullfights

Mr Matías González, President of the Vista Alegre bullring in Bilbao, the victim will not man, nor a champion of free calling on opponents of bullfighting that "left alone to citizens " . Are you going to leave you in peace to the bulls? In the precinct chairs were tortured and killed. And those whom he accuses of "do not know how to live and to impose things," have the courage to call the crime to which only needs to be considered legal. States that the bull "and who wants to impose anything Go to the show is free. " "The bull too? In their place come alive and come out dead, a mortal taxation is concerned.

to all this that bullfighters and bullfighting business has sent a letter of thanks to King for supporting the festival. Gratitude justified, because although the monarch has not publicly expressed - as he claimed - his passion for the fight, no doubt enjoying it, being common to see him smile at ... the suffering of a bull. Does it deserve the thanks defend the cruelty?

But there comes a certain Santiago Ortiz, matador and teacher - they say - and challenge Don Jesus Mosterín to get to a bull to break through their statements, those in which explains that it is a peaceful herbivore that neither the value the bullfighter or the alleged endangerment are just like us they want to sell from the bullfighting paraphernalia. Mr. Ortiz is not the question if the bull would attack or not this Professor of Philosophy, the important thing here is that you and your family, killing and charged for it, want to focus on social criticism, in your opinion, fallacies of the Lord Mosterín, but beyond doubt that the findings of this famous abolitionist come in that category, let me remind you what is really miserable and disgusting torture and kill an animal. "They claim their right to continue and accuse others of lying? Sic!

And finally there are those who are offended because the Lord speaks of Kepa Tamames " taurómaco terrorism." Well, the bull will have to ask if you feel in the ring is nothing but terror. But you can not answer, is not it, and you are responsible that you do not hear their cries during the fight. You see, to me, like many other animals, we have often called terrorists (is) and we have not so nervous, probably because we have a clear conscience and our hands are not red - as would my admired Angel Padilla -. You can not say the same, and so dedicated to "terrorize" to society to divert attention from the real problem: that a bullfight is a terrible show where an animal is subjected to immense pain to death. And ask us to let them alone? No sir, we can not we leave them in peace.